Tag: Editor’s Greeting

Editor’s Greeting for February 2019

Well, the horror genre is grinding merrily along just a chainsaw wielding mania, and yes we are well overdue with this month’s issue, and since you all know I’m a straight-shooter here’s the reason. Many known I work with others to design a fundraiser each year to raise money for the MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association…

Editor’s Greeting for January 2019

The first month of 2019 finishes out strongly and matched by a solid start, in the theaters the startling launching exceeding expectations Escape Room, and then there’s the upcoming St. Agatha and The Amityville Murders reviews, both of these on hold until February 8th, due to Marketing PR I’m doing for the projects. Yes, I…

Editor’s Greeting for November 2018

Well its another month and we missed the deadline, however thanks to a new person, setting things up, in the background, it’s much better, instead of 10-day overdue, we are now 6 days, now ideally we would like to publish closer to the 25th, but it presents problems from holidays and fundraisers I do for…

Editor’s Greeting for October

Editor’s Greeting   Well the start of year 2 here at The Horror Times, comes of course in October, and while late on delivery, best to give the great entertainment. Now others gave me the moniker “Horror Historian” rather than Horror Aficionado and asking questions of the classics evolution or even compare the modern horror…

Editor’s Greeting

Well, yes we’re late, all of it due to the previous month’s meltdown, but still have the support of the site owner, it was a rough opening year, filled with pluses and minuses, however still successful, one new writer occasionally contributing. In addition, two successful giveaways one, from The Horror Times and the other Baron’s…

Editor’s Greeting for August 2018

As one can see we blew by the August 20th due date, and again publishing at the month’s end, with a few reviews having an embargo against them, for marketing reasons, we even pushed past that deadline date. After everything I took a week’s vacation to Johnstown, PA and didn’t work, sometimes one needs a…

Editor’s Greeting for July 2018 – Issue #10

Sometimes the best plans go completely awry just like any zombie movie, when someone says “we’ll meet here” it never goes right, when this month had that same experience at The Horror Times headquarters. My computer system finally gave it all, a 15-year-old desktop system, yes you read it  right, died, though able to resurrect…

Editor’s Greeting for June 2018

Well another month has bit the dust, time seems to crawl in January through March, then some traction in April and May and by now it really starts flying, and while life goes on, The Horror Times works hard to increase our coverage. I wanted to thank Evil von Scary for his question posted on…

Editor’s Greeting for May 2018

Well once more The Horror Times, works in bringing more films reviews, articles and press releases. Therefore, in the month of May, known to some as massacre month, for the bloody displays in episodes, movies normally released this month and that often enough fans find out what shows of theirs found the slaughterhouse of cancellation,…

Editor’s Greeting For April 2018

First, wishing all horror fans a very belated Happy Friday the 13th, I know it’s odd, to celebrate a day associated with slasher killer named Jason who has a bit of Mother issue, but next month contains Mother’s Day so perhaps fitting. As promised last month some new changes and surprises coming to The Horror…