Tag: Editor’s Greeting

Editor’s Greeting for May 2021

Well, friends and fiends, welcome to another issue of The Horror Times, first a few things, I wanted to thank a reader of ours Tim O’Donnell (The Celtic Critic on Twitter) he gave such an incredible message to me about how I sent him the DVD of Witches Blood [2014], an out-of-print film from director and…

Editor’s Greeting for April 2021

First, I want to extend a sincere thanks to all readers of our site, and those who enjoy the site, it’s always a treat to read the comments, and answer your questions on twitter, while watching our growing number of likes on Facebook nearly 2000, truly incredible, a humble thanks you. As some know I…

Editor’s Greeting for March 2021

Greetings, reader, friends, and fans, first a humble thanks for having our Facebook page reaching 1,700 likes, it truly means a lot to this fairly young site, and we are achieving some of our loftier goals and predictions sooner than originally thought. THANKS! Also, some have realized that I’m engaging even more on our social…

Editor’s Greeting February 2021

Greetings to all horror fans and fiends, first its official we had over 233,000 views for 2020, now to clarify its nearly impossible to refresh the page to ratchet the view count to increase, therefore the view counts per page are individuals coming to the site, whether directly or through the shared links. This number…

Editor’s Greeting January 2021

Welcome to 2021! I am so happy to get to this year, the last one had many suffering in some manner, well I had planned on posting the January Issue on the 31st, on time and schedule but two factors out of my control screwed us over royally, the first our internet service provider went…

Editor’s Greeting for November and December 2020

EDITOR’S GREETING Well, welcome to the end of 2020 as most of us are glad to see. I don’t think there is one person who reads the articles, reviews and press release and also knew we weren’t going to finish on time. The reason so obvious to some and so it was the encouragement of…

Editor’s Greeting for September and October 2020

EDITOR’S GREETING Greetings to all the horror fans, those who have enjoyed the genre for decades and the relatively newcomers, this past September, I was forced to take the required time to mourn properly with family members deceased as well as 4-friends it was a true hardship, I slowly became angry and more depressed, so…

Editor’s Greeting August 2020

Greetings, readers, well a few things, first thanks to all the fans, filmmakers, and friends even the fiends… for helping our Facebook page reach over 900 likes, that’s truly incredible, and receives our humble thanks. Our past issue, set a lot of new records for us, and face it there’s no way to be able…

Editor’s Greeting July 2020

Greetings, Horror fans, friends, and fiends, well another issue from The Horror Times, and it is a monster one, we have over 40 Press Releases covering both Horror Movies and Metal Music, as well as some product items. In addition there’s over 15 movie reviews, and then add-in music, soundtrack, and comic – it is…

Editor’s Greeting for June 2020

Greetings readers, it has been another interesting month, I personally struggled in, and before I begin, some wonder why I harp on the tragedy I suffered early this year, and others understand especially in a year filled with turmoil, gloom, doom and yes death. It is I suppose my method of grieving, walking and talking…