Tag: Grindcore

Sinister Death Shows for June 2019

As many this is anther one of our long lasting show, that started in October 2015 on BlogTalkRadio, well 5-years later and we’re switching to Spreaker this is restarting soon.It was hatched out of Shredding Metal Beasts, and while it is true we have had problems with BlogTalkRadio (BTR), we gave Spreaker a chance, but…

Sinister Death Shows for May 2019

Have 2 shows broadcasting this month, May 12, Our Infamous Mother’s day show, thoroughly offensive, vile and and Abomination to Decency… Sinister Death EP131 May 24, 11p from NJ, USA http://www.blogtalkradio.com/baroncrazeradio/2019/05/25/sinister-death–131st-extreme-show Death – Scream Bloody Gore https://www.facebook.com/DeathOfficial Obituary – Ten Thousand Ways to Die https://www.facebook.com/ObituaryBand Pulvis Et Umbra – Atmosfear https://www.facebook.com/pulvisetumbraofficial 666 – The Horns…

Sinister Death Shows for April 2019

There will be two shows this month April 21st and 25th SINISTER DEATH EP 127 APRIL 25 11P EST FROM NJ, USA http://www.blogtalkradio.com/baroncrazeradio/2019/04/26/sinister-death–127th-extreme-show Darkthrone – The Hardship of the Scots https://www.facebook.com/Darkthrone-101075189934422/ Oltretomba – Nameless Occultist https://www.facebook.com/Oltretomba.RetrogardeMetal Unholy Baptism – Upon the Shadow Throne https://www.facebook.com/UnholyBaptism/ Armagedda – Döpt I Oheligt Vatten (Baptized in unhealthy water) https://www.facebook.com/armageddaofficial…

Sinister Death Shows for March 2019

There will be two shows this month March 14th and 18st, 2019 Sinister Death March 18th episode 126 – 1130p From NJ, USA http://www.blogtalkradio.com/baroncrazeradio/2019/03/19/sinister-death–126th-extreme-show Eremit – Cocoon of Soul https://www.facebook.com/EremitDoom  (THIS IS A 33-minute track) Godskill – The Gatherer of Fear and Blood https://www.facebook.com/GodSkill/ Rotting Flesh – Sadness of Empathy https://www.facebook.com/RottingFlesh1992OfficialPage/ Drawn into Descent –…

Sinister Death Shows for February 2019

  Sinister Death February 14 2019 EP0124 Offensive and an Abomination to Decency – Our Version of Valentine’s Day Show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/baroncrazeradio/2019/02/15/sinister-death–124th-extreme-metal As long as BlogTalkRadio lives so does this Link, playback free ANYTIME! The bands airing tonight gave permission, and/or their Labels or PR Firms, Playlist: Goatblood (Germany) – Sexcraving Witchcunt https://www.facebook.com/Goatblood-492948934177125/ Rotting Grandma Corpse…

Sinister Death Shows for January 2019

Sinister Death January 17 ep123 Unique Leader Tribute Show – RIP: Erik Lindmark  Our Tagline:  Abomination of Decency http://www.blogtalkradio.com/baroncrazeradio/2019/01/18/sinister-death–123rd-extreme-metal THE PLAYLIST Deeds of Flesh – Lustmord https://www.facebook.com/DeedsofFleshOfficial/ Disgorge – She Lay Gutted https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDisgorge/ Disavowed – Reason Rejected https://www.facebook.com/Disavowedofficial Agiel – Deeds Rendered Upon the Flesh https://www.facebook.com/houseofagiel Brutus – Vleespomp [Meat Pump] {NO INFO ON THE BAND}…

Sinister Death Shows for December 2018

And yes here’s another podcast show, this one features more extreme music, Black Metal/ Death Metal/ and Grindcore, this show actually was part of Shredding Metal Beasts, but eventually led to its own broadcasting. A very offensive, hence upon the popular request of the listeners, the birth of an Abomination to Decency and those upset…

Sinister Death Shows for November 2018

And yes here’s another podcast show, this one features more extreme music, Black Metal/ Death Metal/ and Grindcore, this show actually was part of Shredding Metal Beasts, but eventually led to its own broadcasting. A very offensive, hence upon the popular request of the listeners, the birth of an Abomination to Decency and those upset…