Tag: Grindcore

YATSU ‘The One With The Mosh Riffs’ Instrumental EP Press Release

Stream YATSU’s The One With The Mosh Riffs: https://yatsu.bandcamp.com/album/the-one-with-the-mosh-riffs   Dallas-Fort Worth-based YATSU has today released a new instrumental promo EP, The One With The Mosh Riffs, which is available for free download on Bandcamp.   Formed in summer 2019, YATSU incorporates elements of powerviolence, grindcore, and metallic hardcore into their raw, chaotic brand of noise. The band proudly wears their…

Sinister Death – February 2021 Episodes

This is our most vile, offensive show to date, Sinister Death there’s nothing anywhere like it, the bands names and songs compete with our DJ Baron to see wins the Abomination of Decency this used be part of Shredding Metal Beasts but the listeners couldn’t handle the intensity. We only play, Black, Death, Grindcore and Doom! ******                                …

Sinister Death – December 2020 Episodes

This is our most vile, offensive show to date, Sinister Death there’s nothing anywhere like it, the bands names and songs compete with our DJ Baron to see wins the Abomination of Decency this used be part of Shredding Metal Beasts but the listeners couldn’t handle the intensity. We only play, Black, Death, Grindcore and Doom! ******                                …

Gorgatron “Pathogenic Automation” Press Release

August 28th, 2020 – Today marks the official release of Pathogenic Automation, the latest full-length from North Dakota’s death metal/grind faction GORGATRON. Anchored in the old-school stylings of death and thrash, the nine-track Pathogenic Automation was recorded by the band, mixed and mastered by GORGATRON guitarist Neal Stein (El Supremo, Egypt), and spews forth a forty-one minute maelstrom of sonic brutality…

Sinister Death – May 2020 Episodes

This is our most vile, offensive show to date, Sinister Death there’s nothing anywhere like, the bands names and songs compete with our DJ Baron to see wins the Abomination of Decency this used be part of Shredding Metal Beasts but the listeners couldn’t handle the intensity. New show coming soon on these dates 21st… …

Sinister Death – March 26 to April 9, 2020 Shows

Sinister Death Upcoming shows returned on March 18, while most of the world is in a lock-down, the Baron Craze Radio Network has arisen from the ashes. Our shows for this channel are as follows, the newest will be posted first. ***WARNING: THIS SHOW IS THE MOST VILE OFFENSIVE CREATION, A TRUE ABOMINATION TO DECENCY***…

Depraved: Raped Innocence (2020) Music Review – By Baron Craze

Sometimes it’s dangerous for a band for change their musical style but if one makes a careful decision it can lead to something credible avenues of exploration which is exactly what Depraved did, however with a name like theirs, there really aren’t many options available. They originally formed as a severe brutal death metal and…

Rat King ‘Vicious Inhumanity’ Press Release

Experimental Death/Grind Trio Rat King will release Vicious Inhumanity January 17 on Within The Mind Records. The album will be available on CD, Cassette, and Digital formats. Vicious Inhumanity is available for pre-order at the following links:   withinthemindrecords.bigcartel.com/product/rat-king-vicious-inhumanity-cd   ratkingband.bandcamp.com/album/vicious-inhumanity   Vicious Inhumanity, the follow-up to 2016’s Garbage Island, sees the band moving away from the Experimental Sludge sound of their…

Stomachal Corrosion Press Release

After a 13-year hiatus, Brazilian Death Grinders Stomachal Corrosion have returned with a new self-titled album! Stomachal Corrosion was originally released in Brazil by Cogumelo Records. Greyhaze Records will bring this relentless album to audiences worldwide on October 11. All album tracks are available for streaming on the band’s Youtube channel.   Check out the official video for album track “Mental Dispain”…

Sinister Death Shows for August 2019

at least 2 shows planned