Category: Film Reviews

Race with the Devil (1975) – By Baron Craze

Often in the horror genre, a viewer will discover an unseen rough gem, something that became hidden away for one reason or another, and hence here is this flick that starred the talented Peter Fonda, who had made a handful of horror movies among them the fan cherished Spirits of the Dead (1968), but alas…

The Pack (2015) – By Baron Craze

  First-time director Nick Robertson teams with screenwriter Evan Randall Green (A Night of Horror Volume 1 [2015]) introduce an ominous tale of wild dogs running free, returning to their wolf pack mentality and killing for sport rather than food. Australian horror cinema usually falls into the ozploitation category, or at least a movie with…

DOA Review: Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013) – By Baron Craze

    CASE NUMBER #018 The resurrection of a nightmare film, perhaps, but the latest addition into the monthly column known as DOA Reviews, the film so bad in the horror genre, that this reviewer, took his time so that you, the fans, can save your vision and mind for something much better. Like what…

Dream Stalker (1991) – By Baron Craze

  Director Christopher Mills forgets to tell the story in the most direct manner for the audience to understand, more of this later. In the 80s and into the 90s filmmakers took their VHS and SVHS cameras by storm, a pricey investment then, but made the SOV (shot-on-video) market and subgenre, many of them became…

The Fiancé (2016) – Baron Craze

  A few things to understand about this movie from director Mark Allen Michaels, it’s his second feature, though his first in the horror genre, and his first attempt as a screenwriter. The Fiancé mixes a few genres together, first horror (creature feature), next comedy, smattering of romance, and a touch of drama, now sadly…

All Hell Breaks Loose (2014) – By Baron Craze

  Jeremy Garner not only edits this fun, thoroughly insane and completely bizarre flick, but also steps into the director position for the first time, and successfully achieves distribution from Wild Eye Releasing. The entire outrageous movie, from screenwriter Vocabulariast (as Jacy Morris) brings a 70s feel of a sinister motorcycle gang with devilish connections…

5 Years After the Fall (2016) – By Baron Craze

  It is always interesting to see where a new director will place their first foothold in the cinematic world, when debuting their feature, many often choose the horror genre, one with dedicated, and yet forgiving fans. Welcoming director Brent Nurse, serving also in the capacity of actor and producer, though likely in other regards…

Wrong Turn (2021) – By Baron Craze

When you sit down to view this latest installment from the Wrong Turn franchise, expecting mutant hillbillies, then you are sadly mistaken, I was a little disappointed, but then I looked upon it in the same vein as Halloween III: Season of the Witch, how so, allow me a moment to explain. Everyone who first…

Wolf House (2016) – By Baron Craze

When one hears the words Found Footage, the average horror fan either reflects with glee or groans, and why not the quality of the quantity lately falls to an abysmal mess, while the standouts become few shining beacons. Hence, watching Wolf House from director Ken Cosentino (Attack of the Killer Shrews! [2016]), a man known…

Kingdom Come (2014) – By Baron Craze

In the horror genre, everyone knows that many subgenres exist and with some a careful and sometimes delicate balance not that easily found, such as religious based horror movies, a downright touchy subject to start with for any filmmaker. One, a director needs to decide early on if they want to offend or just go…