DOA Review Case #0103

Supercroc marks the first feature film of director Scott Harper’s career, surprisingly enough his second directorial movie AVH: Alien vs. Hunter came out 9-months after this one, which happens to be much better than that one. Though Scott is not a newcomer to the industry mostly works as a visual effects artist (supply work to his own films) but also to such films Snakes on a Plane (2006) and Ghost Ship (2002). The script comes from Steve Bevilacqua who penned Hillside Cannibals (2006) and David Michael Latt, who also produced this flick as well as over 100 other horror films. The Asylum served as both production and distributors, and if you are strangely unfamiliar with their work look back to 1992 with over 350 releases, among them 2-Headed Shark Attack (2012) and the Sharknado franchise. Simply this film falls into the monster movies, but suffers tremendously with a minuscule budget and striving for grandiose outcomes well beyond the cast and effects abilities. Hence, it marks another grave in the forgotten landscape of DOA, but exhumed for autopsy #103, which incidentally makes it a 10-year anniversary, please save the champagne.


Simply this movie finds itself as a collection of other movies Alligator (1980), a tinge of Godzilla and outrageous moment of Jaws 2 (1981) allow that all to sink in and you now have a complete understanding of the film. However a further plunge into the muck needs to occur, imagine a group of soldiers, perhaps extras from any b-movie military movie, talking about nonsensical things while on patrol/hike and a team leader fascinated with more with hand signals than a traffic patrol officer out for an aimless jaunt. Soon a woman runs upon the troop telling of the 100-foot and four stories tall beast living in underwater caves in a local lake, for centuries unnoticed quickly the supercroc of a story munches on soldiers, who don’t see anything of interest or shock, then wonder if the viewers needs too. Likely, yes, to help the entertainment value, but everyone seems to plod them through the story without much interest. Therefore, in a typical animals attack movie, this one doesn’t react well, especially to CGI effects and the ridiculous size of eggs and the failure to destroy the creature, shows the ineptness of the military. As customary in these movies a mad scientist who either created or works for the secret lab in the government on the case, Dr. Leah Perrit (Kim Little) states lines of dialogue which often foolish or thoroughly incorrect, this not the fault of actress rather the writers (something easily checked on Wikipedia).


First the issues with dialogue are twofold, in the beginning the sound issues, the very hard to hear the talking, and then what they are saying thoroughly inappropriate for the time and place. The next biggest issue centers on the monster animal itself, from the unenthusiastic attacking of victims (prey) to in general the look of it, floating in a lake without the slightest ripple, slow moving attacks of the crocodile, pardon the animal itself sometimes large does move quickly, but not constantly normally resting and reserving the energy. This movie, doesn’t reference any realities, which is fine, but the creature attacks then vanishes and repeats often, often under the guise of poor focus and blurry conditions. In addition, the excessive lack of blood in what appears chomping attacks from the beast (who no one ever seems to notice) woefully becomes an annoyance.


If you could not determine, this monster movie fails on multiple levels, from lack of action, poor effects and sadly pitiful storyline with poor execution. B-movies exists for entertainment with over-the-top situations, this generates dumb and unfunny character interactions, and clearly has exceptional degrees of padding the runtime. Most of the monster actually comes from the title, and therefore it requires a quiet burial.

IMDb Rating: 2.1/10

Baron’s Rating: 1.9/10
