Tag: Zombies

Deadsight Press Release

RLJE FILMS PRESENTS World Premiere at Blood In The Snow Canadian Film Festival 2018 Available on DVD, On Demand and Digital HD on July 2, 2019 RLJE Films will release DEADSIGHT on July 2, 2019 on DVD, On Demand and Digital HD.  Directed by Jesse Thomas Cook (Monster Brawl) and written by Liv Collins (Polished) and Kevin Revie (To Hell with Harvey), the film stars Collins, Adam…

Shed of the Dead Press Release *Update*

Shed of the Dead is a zombie thriller, from director Drew Cullingham (Umbrage). One part Shaun of the Dead and one part 28 Days Later, the film follows two slackers, who whittle their days away playing Dungeons & Dragons and painting figurines. As life pressures build up for Trevor (Spencer Brown) and Graham (Ewen MacIntosh), events take an unexpected…

Zombie Strippers! (2008) – By Baron Craze

Without a doubt this film definitely fits into the category of b-movies it contains everything associated with the content, insane title, gore, plenty of T&A, campy dialogue, silly aspects galore, low budget, and  mentality driven straight at a certain segment of horror fans, you know who you are, no hiding. Directed and written by Jay…

Surviving the Holidays: Slashing Away Part 2 (Dec 16 to 31) – By Baron Craze

December 16th Dismembering Christmas (2015) there’s just something about this title I find amusing, perhaps it reminds of I Dismember Mama (1972), but anyway it follows the slasher playbook, with seven high schoolers shacking up in a winter lake house while someone seeks to see their insides at any cost. I suppose this madman seeks…

New Horror Releases October 9 to 15, 2018

October 9, 2018 The Forest of the Lost Souls (2017) (Directed by José Pedro Lopes) Aka: A Floresta das Almas Perdidas   PRINCIPAL CAST: Daniela Love, Jorge Mota, Mafalda Banquart, Lilia Lopes SYNOPSIS: Two strangers meet in a forest notorious for suicides and decide to learn more about each other. Soon it becomes clear that…

The Rezort (2015) – By Baron Craze

As each month passes in the horror genre, more zombie flicks find themselves stumbling out of the shadows, only to vanish into the vast darkness of the internet and store shelves, however, occasionally, one does find something a tad different, maybe not completely original, but a variation none the less. Director Steve Barker known for…

JeruZalem (2015) – By Baron Craze

JeruZalem is another found footage horror where the implementation of new technology enters into the fray and provides a slight improvement on the genre. Sadly, when horror fans hear the term “found footage” a depressive sigh escapes the mouth, slight tilt of the head however The Paz brothers (Doron and Yoav) use the backdrop of the…

Flight of the Living Dead (2007) – By Baron Craze

A script from Sidney Iwanter, Mark Onspaugh, & Scott Thomas, who also served as director, brought together a complete fun b-movie that never takes itself seriously, and yet comes extremely polished Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane [FOTLD]. Some have attributes that Thomas’ film actually holds the position of a parody of…

ZK: Elephant’s Graveyard (2015) – By Baron Craze

Director Harrison Smith, of Camp Dread, takes on the zombie apocalyptic hoarder in Zombie Killers, which involves a small group of survivors that have barricaded themselves in a community with a bizarre hierarchy and defended by a makeshift warriors and a militia trained leader, the devilish talented Billy Zane. Smith continues to adhere to the…

The Dead Matter (2010) – By Baron Craze

The well-renowned gothic horror band Midnight Syndicate, whose music enraptures the Halloween season, by dominating the haunted attractions and many of the retail shops, brings forth founding member Edward Douglas, the composer of Robert Kurtzman’s The Rage (2007) steps out to direct and co-write with Tony Demci his only horror film to date, The Dead…