Tag: Slasher

Campground SLASHER 1985 (2020) – By Baron Craze

I know it’s a little unheard of to review a film that is under 3-minutes, but each film in horror deserves a review, and this production is from southern New Jersey and I figure why not cover a short film. Now obviously this isn’t going to be a standard 600-words, but rather still a review….

What the Waters Left Behind (2017) – By Baron Craze

In 1985, city of Villa Epecuén, located in Argentine, was erased from the land, after a severe storm caused a nearby dam to break wide open, and other barriers were overwhelmed, with no way of stopping the flood that caused the population of 5,000 people hurried in abandoning the city as it submerged beneath rising…

Psycho Cop Returns (1993) – By Baron Craze

Sometimes it’s fun to revisit a horror movie from the early 1990s, which seems a tad leftover from the 80s, especially one so over-the-top, that earned a polished look from Vinegar Syndrome on Blu-Ray with a special cover-artwork and many bells and whistles to boot. Even if you never saw the first Psycho Cop (1989),…

Friday the 13th (1980) – By Baron Craze

Since there’s over 187 film reviews of the flick, and likely every cinematic fan, especially the horror fiends, fans, and gurus it is thoroughly impossible to discover anything new about this creation, add-in all the books, interviews, documentaries and convention morsels and appears everything that can be and has been said. Therefore, why toss another…

Pickaxe (2014) – By Baron Craze

One can’t deny that the true horror franchises dominated in the late 70s and well into the 80s, especially due the popularity of the slasher genre namely with Halloween [1978] and then of course Friday the 13th [1980], although a close relative to these films comes from the subgenre of horror comedies and parodies, such…

Cut! (2014) – By Baron Craze

Director David Rountree with the assistance of screenwriter of David Banks present a smart slasher horror flick to the masses once more, in fact this team used many traits and inspiration of thick layered conceptual plots of the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, thereby creating not a mindless slashing flick rather a thought provoking concept….

Final Exam (1981) – By Baron Craze

Very quickly the horror genre switched the gears into producing massacres on screen at the rate of an assembly line all thanks to incredible success of  John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978), tons of copycats (a few rip-offs) flooded the market, and later with explosion of VHS and furthermore DVD more slasher formulaic became a worn-out standardization…

My Bloody Valentine (1981) – By Baron Craze

At a time when the slasher genre began its carnage of blood spraying fun in the early eighties, one film garnished the ranks as the most over-looked and underrated, with it taking a holiday largely avoided, and prime territory for director George Mihalka (The Psychic [1991]) to stake his first directorial horror claim. The most…

Graduation Day (1981) – By Baron Craze

Everyone in the horror genre, knows of the impact and the glorious years where “slasher movies” reigned as king, an easy money-maker at the box office, fueling wars with the MPAA and while 2020 will mark the 40th-annivrersdary for many of the classics such as Friday the 13th, Prom Night, Terror Train and countless others,…

Slasher App *Updated*

Slasher Now Accepting Beyond RED Trailers   Slasher is putting the call out for Red Band trailers and beyond.   They are a true alternative media solution for horror filmmakers, as they strongly support those ‘R’ Rated movies that sometimes get lost in the shuffle.   When filmmakers are out marketing their films and get roadblocked by…