Category: Film Reviews

Death Becomes Her (1992) – By Creepy Crazy Cathy (AKA 3C)

It’s time for me to venture into another review and I found this one on my DVR so called up 2 of my girlfriends, watched it and thought I would make a go of it. I never would have thought that Meryl Streep would have done a horror movie, but I was wrong Death Becomes…

DOA Review: Predatory Instinct (2011) – By Baron Craze

CASE NUMBER #0006 Once again, it is time to trudge into the muck of films unable to make it to the ER for rescuing before their untimely demise, so bad they rotted out the ambulance and now overgrown by nature, forgotten by many, especially the horror fans. Yes, DOA uncovering the worst of the worst,…

The Mortuary Collection (2019) – By Baron Craze

Anthology films have always held a special place with horror fans, whether it’s some of the early versions such as Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors [1965] to The Vault of Horror [1973] or the more well-known creations Creepshow [1982], Tales of Poe [2014], or Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark [2019], regardless of your…

Yummy (2019) – By Baron Craze

Just imagine having a zombie movie set in a third-rate hospital where they conduct plastic surgery, there’ll be plenty of blood, gruesome activities one would imagine the script could write itself, it practically does thanks to bloodshed and body parts. Lars Damoiseaux made his first feature length horror movie, but also took inspiration from his…

Saturday the 14th (1981) – By Baron Craze

Everyone clearly knows about Friday the 13th [1980], how its influence is still having a lasting impact on the slasher genre, in 1981, a surprising sequel emerged called simply Friday the 13th, Part II, but later that same year was a horror comedy entitled Saturday the 14th, which unfortunately missed a great opportunity to parody…

Shed of the Dead (2019) – By Baron Craze

Zombie comedies are truly a unique breed in horror, their own subgenre which sometimes amounts of gore, and silly moments of characters, there’s likely plenty of ad-lib and even improv depending on the cast and even the characters, however, just like horror comedies in general it is a fine line between comedy gold or dismal…

How to Kill a Zombie (2014) – By Baron Craze

Director Tiffany McLean, using production company Freight Train Films, puts forth a true homegrown video charm, harkening back to early moments of fresh horror, complete with comedy and most of it all intentional with a winning combination of gore and insanity spreading outward in a zombie flick from Brain Damage Films. While the concept of…

PG: Psycho Goreman (2020) – By Baron Craze

I often know a little about the movie I’m about to see, from either the title, artwork, or some summary, however this time I was funneled information of the killer soundtrack and a ton merchandise lines, but the only thing I truly knew was it contained the word psycho and a reference to the topic…

The Haunting (1999) – By Creepy Crazy Cathy (AKA 3C)

Baron is always talking about the original movie The Haunting from 1963 and that the remake doesn’t live up to the original so when I saw it EPIX I thought I would watch and review it. The movie came out in theaters in 1999 from DreamWorks based off Shirley Jackson’s novel and was directed by…

The Stylist (2020) – By Baron Craze

It’s always wonderful when an indie short film gets the greenlight to become a feature, especially when it was part of an anthology called Watch If You Dare [2018]; director and writer Jill Gevargizian along with Eric Havens and Eric Stolze (Late Phases [2014]) make sure to present a chilling, psychotic storyline of a woman…