***The Extreme in Any Manner Leaves a Lasting Impression! *** – Baron Craze

Greetings fans, fiends and friends July is an interesting time for both Halloween lovers and horror fans alike; while Halloween is still months away the merchandise begins to slowly unleash new items for the upcoming season, such as Cracker Barrel is one of those such places that people overlook because of its name or it’s folksy manner.  The Halloween items this year include plush Scooby-Doo and a few other larger items such as a 4-ft prelit tree with skull base and Dragon Lamppost estimate cost $160 plus an extra $26 for shipping; meanwhile, Lowe’s has begun to release previews of what they’re going to be unleashing in a few months the same as Home Depot that the larger animatronic items such as ones that tower over 13 ft into the air! Now one can’t buy everything unless perhaps you have a Halloween Museum and then you should be doing everything you can to purchase every piece that’s available so you have to look around your home to figure out what more you need and quite honestly here at the here at Baron’s chamber/crypt we are constantly changing items/displays so everything old and new can be put out and enjoyed for us here at home and for all to see who come by. I’m also focusing on creating a horror fiction library which is now nearing a thousand books actually purchased through many used bookstores which is a wonderful place to meet a lot of interesting folks and then of course it’s off to those antique stores where you’ll find those unique items you could go to Spirit Halloween and purchase an item that may be another 25,000 people the country are going to get or you can visit an antique store and purchase something that maybe you and 50 other people have and that unique item now stands out as a prize possession in your collection. Of course, it’s all must be done to combat the obvious problem that is occurring in the month of July that’s right Hallmark’s Christmas movie blitzkrieg in fact they actually started the last week of June with these movies coming out and we already know they’re going to take over the last week of October so they can roll out these movies through the entire month of November and December. This is why I believe every day is Halloween.

We have discovered two interesting aspects on the net, first, Bloody Disgusting is now owned by Cineverse I mention this because some people have noticed some interesting changes at this other site. But here at The Horror Times we have remained steadfast in the way we do things there is no AI being used on this site at all everything that is written and created comes from one’s own mind that is not to say we do not research our topics but of course we do; yes I have a vast library of horror fiction but I equally have a large non-fiction library of reference materials for those ghost-writing screenplays, the topics would amaze you all.  Our site is one of the few that still has the New Releases for films coming out on DVD, Blu-ray, & 4K which is difficult since so many films go to direct streaming, but we push on trying to deliver the best informative product and resources for the horror fans out there and we’re thankful and humbled to your readership. So much that our likes / followers on Facebook for The Horror Times is nearly 5,000 we are a mere 31 individuals away from reaching that goal. Also, we shall be doing our giveaways once, a random choose from the lower 48-United States, the international delivery is far too expensive.

Lastly, many realized that we rebranded and reformatted our Screaming Horror podcast show, and that is in thanks to acquiring permission from over 200 horror punk bands, the thanks go to them and in the process of doing that we have fortunately enough acquired more bands to play on the rest of our shows. I will conclude that while at times there are still issues with my health, I’m doing everything I can medically, therapy, etc. so that I will be able to fully able to return next year to the conventions, cemeteries, travel, and other events. I’m slowly enjoying local places and will enjoy on the gooey, gory, gutsy. gruesome horror that comes from so many twisted minds that unleash horrific creations on the screens, though guarantee none are as sick as mine.

Until next month – enjoy all the horror you can…. Be sure to scare the ones you love!



Baron Craze

Horror Film Historian and Editor-in-Chief









