July 2, 2019

Night Owl (1993) (Directed by Jeffrey Arsenault)


  • Blu-ray
  • PRINCIPAL CAST: John Leguizamo, Lisa Napoli, David Roya, Ali Thomas, James Raftery, Holly Woodlawn, Yul Vazquez, Karen Wexler, Screamin’ Rachael, Marianne Skiba, Charles Verde, Michael Musto, Mark Carbonaro, Tom Merchant
  • WRITER: Jeffrey Arsenault
  • SYNOPSIS: Jake (James Raftery) is an apathetic, post-punk vampire who spends his nights cruising seedy music dives for drugged out women to seduce and kill to satisfy his bloodlust. After murdering Zohra, a young Puerto Rican woman, Jake becomes the focus of her brother, Angel, who’s desperate to find his missing sister and fears that Jake might be involved in her disappearance…
  • GENRE: Horror, Crime, Drama
  • RATING: Not Rated
  • RUN TIME: 80 Minutes
  • TAGLINE: Come see how the living are seduced by the dead
  • STUDIO: Vinegar Syndrome
  • https://vinegarsyndrome.com/
  • https://www.facebook.com/vinsyn
  • https://twitter.com/vinegarsyndrome
  • https://www.amazon.com/Night-Owl-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/dp/B07S1Z38G1/
  • https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107681/

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The Passing(1984) (Directed by John Huckert)


  • Blu-ray
  • PRINCIPAL CAST: James Carroll Plaster, Welton Benjamin Johnson, John Huckert, Lynn Odell, Daniel Dunn, Albert B. Smith, Michael Dumonceau, Rodney Harding, J. Dennis Marsico, Mark McPherson, Flora Batien, Mark Steckbeck, Tico Wells
  • Ernie and Rose are two widower WWII veterans with no one but each other, living in a crumbling old house outside of Baltimore. Wade is a youthful, blue collar laborer with a wife and young child. Their lives seem predetermined to never intersect, until Wade’s wife is savagely assaulted and, in a fit of anger, Wade accidentally kills her attacker, subsequently finding himself convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
  • Fears of morbidity are also affecting Ernie who, on the advice of his doctor, agrees to enroll in a mysterious program in which the minds and souls of the elderly can be implanted into the bodies of the young. Eager to experience youth once again, Ernie agrees, with Wade forcibly assigned to be Ernie’s new physical self. But neither of the two men, one willing, one victim, are prepared for the true results of the horrifying procedure…
  • GENRE: Horror, Drama, Sci-fi
  • RATING: Not Rated
  • RUN TIME: 96 Minutes
  • STUDIO: Vinegar Syndrome
  • https://vinegarsyndrome.com/
  • https://www.facebook.com/vinsyn
  • https://twitter.com/vinegarsyndrome
  • https://www.amazon.com/Passing-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/dp/B07S58H32J/
  • https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365617/

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Deadsight (2018) (Directed by Jesse Thomas Cook)


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Robert Reborn (2019) (Directed by Andrew Jones)


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We Have Always Lived In The Castle (2018) (Directed by Stacie Passion)


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