Tag: Vinegar Syndrome

Psycho Cop Returns (1993) – By Baron Craze

Sometimes it’s fun to revisit a horror movie from the early 1990s, which seems a tad leftover from the 80s, especially one so over-the-top, that earned a polished look from Vinegar Syndrome on Blu-Ray with a special cover-artwork and many bells and whistles to boot. Even if you never saw the first Psycho Cop (1989),…

Graduation Day (1981) – By Baron Craze

Everyone in the horror genre, knows of the impact and the glorious years where “slasher movies” reigned as king, an easy money-maker at the box office, fueling wars with the MPAA and while 2020 will mark the 40th-annivrersdary for many of the classics such as Friday the 13th, Prom Night, Terror Train and countless others,…

Madman (1981) – By Baron Craze

The late director Joe Giannone truly created a seriously fun slasher film for the average viewer to thoroughly enjoy and never looked back, taking cues from the industry and fan base, he originally set out to make a Cropsey killer legend movie, however The Burning (1981) beat him to the punch, hence the designing of…

NJ Horror Con and Film Festival #4: Screamin’ Joy – By Baron Craze

I often attend and/or am invited to many  film festivals and horror conventions, this one, marks my fourth time in this con’s attendance, the third different place, Showboat, Atlantic City, each time I go with the journalist mentality, a checklist in my head, handling the entire time as a business trip. However, this time, I…

Snapshot (1979) – By Baron Craze

This is the first theatrical feature film of director Simon Wincer considered to be an Ozploitation picture, it is actually a well-made thriller (not a horror genre creation) although even a stretch to achieve the level of a thriller aside from a few nerve-wracking scenes. The script written in just 10 days, (although only the…

Jack Frost (1997) – By Baron Craze

This review originally posted in December 2015 for Rogue Cinema, it now reappears complete with an update of the first-time Blu-ray version released by Vinegar Syndrome in 2016, honestly this movie for a bizarre reason is always on my must watch list for Christmas Horror. After all, it contains comedic moments and glistening gore. In…