Tag: Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary’s Baby (1968) – By Creepy Crazy Cathy (AKA 3C)

I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a review, but my family had so much going on. I was asked by Baron to do a review on Rosemary’s Baby. I was surprised as it seemed like a religious horror movie (which it is to me) and I don’t delve deep into my reviews,…

Crowhaven Farm (1970) – By Baron Craze

In 1970, Crowhaven Farm, became the ABC Movie of the Week, presenting itself as an eerie supernatural tale, made in the vein of Ira Levin’s Rosemary’s Baby, which proceeded this movie by 2-years, but heavily influenced many movies both in the United States and overseas.  Screenwriter John McGreevey, who also served as a producer, had many television…

The Forest of the Lost Souls (2017) – By Baron Craze

An excerpt of a suicide note is how The Forest of the Lost Souls starts, from first feature director and writer José Pedro Lopes (World of Death [2016]), with his Portuguese flick done in black and white. This arthouse horror drama gives deep penetrating drama, depressive however, this movie simmers slowly, with a limited cast, as it…

Along Came the Devil (2018) – By Baron Craze

Before I begin this review, allow a moment to understand the concepts of both Religious Horror and Occult stories, both exist and have rightfully places in the horror genre, often enough the occult tales find themselves under the religious and yet crossing over into paranormal films. However, when mixing (demonic) possession movies, many times the…