Tag: Horror Review

DOA Review: Shark Lake (2015) – By Baron Craze

    This review, originally posted in March of 2016 on the now defunct Rogue Cinema site, however at the time DOA Reviews didn’t exist then, but revisiting this review and the movie, clearly it’s one for the graveyard of DOA. CASE NUMBER #0023: Shark Lake was originally listed as an action thriller, then changed…

Monster Party (2018) – By Baron Craze

While the box art cover doesn’t appear very horror-like for Monster Party and makes early comparisons to Don’t Breathe, it shall in generating a seriously intense bloodbath to even ridiculous proportions, with many graphic scenes. Therefore, one could label it a sleeper independent movie, as it first lulls the viewer in one direction with a thriller…

The Toybox (2018) – By Baron Craze

Possession stories always find a special place with the horror fans, often enough it’s a house, cabin, or another type building, and then again, the vehicle in the horror flick, is just that, such as The Car [1977], The Hearse (1980), and Christine [1983]. Sometimes the tales do get cheesy for example Haunted Trailer (2014)…

Blood Child (2017) – By Baron Craze

Blood Child is a creepy horror film about loss, pain, and the supernatural real Southeast Asian rituals that involve the raising of ghost children, sounds fine, if one stops right there, however it doesn’t rather it adds the now tiresome phrasing ‘based on a true story’ oh please, whether it is or not, the words used…

Live Evil (2015) – By Baron Craze

First, this movie is not remake or reboot, and contains no connection to director Jay Woelfel’s movie of the same name released in 2009. In the land of low budget horror films, exists both the rotting corpses and those filled with ambition sometimes a tad too much but director and writer Ari Kirschenbaum (Fabled [2002]) presents…

Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich (2018) – By Baron Craze

This flick is not a direct reboot of the first movie from the Puppet Master Franchise, that originally started in 1989, rather it takes place in a parallel universe, where Andre Toulon, instead of an opposing force for the Nazis and the Third Reich is now shown as one them, and the puppets as a…

Hell’s Kitty (2018) – By Baron Craze

When one hears the phrase “microbudget” to describe a massive sigh comes washing over them, mainly because this film is a true passion driven creation and with Nicholas Tana no difference, as his film is a moving but strange trippy tribute to his pet cat. The flick comes from both an adaptation of a 17-episode…

Sleep No More (2018) – By Baron Craze

Director Phillip Guzman, known for Dead Awake (2016)  creates another sleep theme nightmarish tale set back in the 80s, originally entitled 200 Hours, rather than Sleep No More (which, sounds eerily similar the themes carried over from A Nightmare on Elm Street), released by RLJE Films. One aspect for not using the 200 Hours, likely…

Dark Roads 79 (2017) – By Baron Craze

Director and writer Chase Smith, a talent horror creator, and fine actor along with his firm Spirit World Productions, brings together a suspenseful and actually surprising twist on a slasher subgenre meeting devil possession tale set in 1979. Assisting Chase in the writing duties Richard Krevolin, and based the initial concept from a scenario by…

Minutes to Midnight (2018) – By Baron Craze

  A nice independent slasher from director by Christopher Ray (Circus Kane [2017]) from a script co-written with Victoria Dadi (A House Is Not a Home [2015]) and Christopher M. Don, delivers creative killers and a large body count. While using the masks, they’re a happy murdering family, ready to hack and slash their way…