Tag: 80s throwback

Murderlust (1985) – By Baron Craze

The Intervision Picture Corporation, a sub-division of Severin Films, restored the gritty pieces of the movie Murderlust, that were originally on a highly cut obscure VHS, with grimy filthy quality transfer all footage restored to a DVD, horror fans seeking this production may thoroughly enjoy it. Independent writer and director Donald Jones along with writer…

Blood Beach (1980) – By Baron Craze

Face it, in the horror genre there are plenty of subgenres and unique niches for the average fan to thoroughly to enjoy, however these all have one common thread a b-movie can likely be found in one or even a crossover of a few. Hence, Blood Beach obtained a cult following, though still missing the…

Re-Animator (1985) – By Baron Craze

I love when a horror movie pushes the so-called acceptable limits, and rather rips up the envelope of decent standards, horror is a harsh word, it doesn’t do well with niceties, rather horror fans and viewers shall encourage and applaud those who are faithful by delivering the goods, just like with The Evil Dead [1981]…

To All A Goodnight (1980) – By Baron Craze

If I were to quiz horror fans, similar to the style in Scream [1996] and stated name the movie that someone killing in revenge of a child dying and it included a doomsayer named Ralph, the answer is easy Friday the 13th – except once again you are wrong, it’s this movie. According the trivia…

Elves (1989) – By Baron Craze

Christmas horror movies will always be that unique niche market, a true subgenre of late, in the 70s and into the 80s it was a common one-off film for the season, but with the incorporation of nutty storylines, Krampus, St Nick, and Elves it all allowed for hell to freeze over unleashing blood good cheer,…

Friday the 13th (1980) – By Baron Craze

Since there’s over 187 film reviews of the flick, and likely every cinematic fan, especially the horror fiends, fans, and gurus it is thoroughly impossible to discover anything new about this creation, add-in all the books, interviews, documentaries and convention morsels and appears everything that can be and has been said. Therefore, why toss another…

Graduation Day (1981) – By Baron Craze

Everyone in the horror genre, knows of the impact and the glorious years where “slasher movies” reigned as king, an easy money-maker at the box office, fueling wars with the MPAA and while 2020 will mark the 40th-annivrersdary for many of the classics such as Friday the 13th, Prom Night, Terror Train and countless others,…

Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) – By Baron Craze

I suppose most fans have a few horror comedies they enjoy from Shaun of the Dead [2004] or Tucker and Dale vs Evil [2010] and for me it’s Young Frankenstein [1974] or Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein [1948], then again any Abbott and Costello movie. Then there’s campy and cheesy entries namely Cassandra Peterson’s alter…

The Prowler (1981) – By Baron Craze

It’s likely that if one were asking any horror fan when was the heyday of the glorious gore slasher cycle they excitedly announced the eighties, to be more precise it’s the early 80s. Shortly after both Halloween [1978] and Friday the 13th [1980] releases, the floodgates opened the blood splattering countless slashers flicks all following…

Lost After Dark (2015) – By Baron Craze

Director Ian Kessner presents his first horror film feature co-written with Bo Ransdell, lining up a film as a tribute design with an emphasis on retro-grade horror classic buffet style of 80’s slasher films, keeping diehard fans pleased with the authentic style and homage to other legends in the genre. They never overthink the concept…