Chompfest 2024
There are so many bad shark movies out there but of course there are good ones the main one is Jaws [1975] others include 47 Meters Down [2016] and the first film of this series The Meg [2018] which I reviewed in 2021 and 2 years later Meg 2: The Trench was released by Warner Bros with director Ben Wheatley (Kill List [2011])) and included the same writers as the first film Jon and Erich Hoeber and Dean Georgaris. The film is based on the book “The Trench” by Steve Alten.

rejects from jurassic park franchise

Jason Statham telling others who is the star
The film opens at an island with dinosaurs attacking the people then jumps to Jonas (Jason Statham (Ghosts of Mars [2001])) patrolling the ocean looking for ships dumping radioactive waste. He narrowly escapes but is picked up by folks from Mana One Research Station. He meets up with researcher/director Jiuming (Wu Jing (The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [2008])) who is making a suit to combat megs. Soon we see Jonas getting ready for the gala supporting the research of Mana One and the money behind it is Hillay Driscoll (Sienna Guillory (Resident Evil: Apocalypse [2004])) supporting Jiuming’s work showing a meg who is named Haiai in captivity.

Jing Wu – snack time

Jason Statham and Jing Wu
Soon two groups get into “dive 1” and “dive 2” to drop into the trench of the ocean. On the way Jonas realizes Meiying (Sophia Cai) snuck in, because the oxygen level is depleted faster than necessary. She’s the little girl that Jonas looks after when her mother (who died off screen between parts one and two) and grandfather died (from the first film), and Jonas is upset and wants to go back up however, it never goes according to plan. On the way they see more megs including Haiai who escaped. They find an illegal mining submarine and Jonas’ nemesis Montes (Sergio Peris-Mencheta (Resident Evil: Afterlife [2010]) who he put in jail for illegal dumping spots him and blows up the mines. Mac (Cliff Curtis (Deep Rising [1998])), DJ (Page Kennedy (Leprechaun 6: Back 2 Tha Hood)) and Jess (Skyler Samuels) inform them that the rescue pods have been tampered with and can’t send them down so they must walk the trench to the submarine. When they get there they find out everyone was double crossed by Jess and Hillary who is on the illegal mining what they were drilling for is worth a lot of money. Jonas finds a way out; he always does help the others, and they all get to the surface. A lot of danger exists because due to the explosion the thermocline was breached, and more megs came up. In the end those who double crossed the crew met their end and once more Jonas was the hero with the megs.

yeah we are the bad guys
I enjoyed the film, not as much as the first, but still it was fun to watch especially since my son loves sharks (and dinosaurs, cars and trucks, a typical little boy) so much. It’s always interesting to see what a sequel to a very successful movie does and I think they did a good job. I recommend the film to anyone who likes sharks and marine life and will be fun to watch with your teenagers.
- New Meg. Old Chum.
- New Meg. New Chum.
- Back for seconds.
- There is always another one.
- Terror has never run this deep…
- Fear runs deep.
IMDb Rating: 5.0/10
3C Rating: 5.0/10