I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a review, but my family had so much going on. I was asked by Baron to do a review on Rosemary’s Baby. I was surprised as it seemed like a religious horror movie (which it is to me) and I don’t delve deep into my reviews, however I believe he wanted it from a woman’s point of view so I’m willing to take the challenge.

Rosemary’s Baby is a movie based on the book of the same name by Ira Irvin and directed by the controversial Roman Polanski, it centers around Rosemary Woodhouse (Mia Farrow (The Haunting of Julia [1977])) and Guy Woodhouse (John Cassavetes [The Fury [1978])) who move into an apartment. They soon meet their neighbors, an older couple, Minnie Castevet (Ruth Gordon (Isn’t It Shocking? [1973])) and Roman Castevet (Sidney Blackmer (The Lady and the Monster [1944])). Guy becomes more friendly with the neighbors and spends a lot of time with them and soon they find out that they want to have a baby. Suddenly Guy wants to make the baby that night and Minnie brings a dessert “mousse” for them to eat. We find out that Rosemary’s was drugged and something sinister happens during the “love making.” Soon, she finds out she’s pregnant and soon Minnie & Roman insist on using their friend who happens to be a gynecologist, Dr. Sapirstein (Ralph Bellamy (The Wolf Man [1941])) who seems very strange as he doesn’t want her to take any pre-natal vitamins instead a vitamin drink made by Minnie. Now any woman knows that when she is pregnant pre-natal vitamins are a must for the development of the baby growing inside.

Soon, Rosemary realizes that something just isn’t right, she’s not gaining any weight and is having an enormous amount of pain. During this time, their friend Hutch (Maurice Evans (Terror in the Wax Museum [1973])) visits Rosemary and knows something isn’t right. Roman doesn’t like that she has visitors, so he mysteriously appears and then takes one of his gloves and soon Roman gets sick and sadly perishes. He left Rosemary a book that shows who the Castevets really are, part of a satanic coven and now she’s worried about the baby. Soon she tries to find a new doctor who just calls Guy and comes to get her with Minnie, Roman, & Dr. Sapirstein who drugs her and takes her back home. Soon she realizes she’s not pregnant and is distraught but hears a baby crying and finally is able to escape and go to the hidden closet where the neighbors are with the “coven” and finds out her baby is indeed alive but that it’s not Guy’s but the in fact the Devil’s child. She first wants nothing to do with him but soon her motherly instincts kick in and starts rocking the baby.

This really is an excellent movie with lots of horror and tension. Any woman who’s been pregnant knows when something is wrong and Rosemary definitely felt and new this. Sadly, in this film it seems that evil wins in the end.


  • It’s not what you’re expecting.
  • Conceived in terror, born in fear.
  • Pray for Rosemary’s Baby.


IMDb Rating: 8.0/10

3C Rating: 8.0/10