***The Extreme in Any Manner Leaves a Lasting Impression! *** – Baron Craze


Well horror fans and fanatics, another month has gone by and due to my two-part surgery there were more delays which affected posting here on The Horror Times.  I am thrilled to see in the past 5 days the dramatic return to old form, it’s rebirth of the devilish monster, I was aging faster turning 50 in a few days and now shockingly it feels like a shredding of years.

Therefore, this issue contains a lot of items, some of them backdated such as Metal Music Releases, Revisiting Horrors and Visions of Horror Column as well as numerous podcast shows, as the surgery had me temporarily unable to use my vocals – dreadful. However, there’s more to look forward to as I’m healing fast and am getting my energy and ability to function due to the doctors, physical therapy, and of course friends, fiends, and fans like you.

I suppose at the mid-point of the month we have produce a lot more podcast than all year, thanks to numerous labels, PR firms and so many bands, too many to name for the continue support and endorsing our motto of Extreme Makes a Lasting Impression – B.A.F.F.O.A.D. In addition, we are releasing our much-awaited A.I. article, of taking that monster and effort to find another vlogger or podcaster to come our Baron’s Crypt to debate or discuss both the film Nefarious or the how the anti-drag bills have stipulations that can be used against the Halloween attractions, freakshows, circuses, clowns, and even trick n treating. But no one wants that coverage odd.

Until next month – enjoy all the horror you can….


Baron Craze

Horror Film Historian and Editor-in-Chief










