Continuing on this Interesting path of self-reflection of previous reviews seems to have had a curious twist with other sites websites, blogs, vlogs and just horror themed videos whether it’s a film or a location related to a grim topic or a horror flick, there’s something refreshing about embarking on the journey. Therefore, the rules are still the same to re-watch the film and refresh myself with my review and then evaluate where I now position myself regarding the movie. Sometimes, with age and maturity open to new experiences and more insightful knowledge can adjust someone’s thought and belief process, hence changing a rating count. One thing, it shall be always an anniversary movie, that I cover, the reasoning for not including the others is simple, there would be too many classics filtered into one year, for example Young Frankenstein [1974] if I cover that flick in an off anniversary year then that’s over possibly 100-films found in the months of September and October, and then in 2024 when that same movie returns for its own anniversary to do it again, nope an tiresome endeavor.

The Last Vampyre on Earth [2013]

SUMMARY: Fleeing a cataclysm of unimaginable origin, Catherine Murnau finds herself trapped in a nightmare while holed up in a crumbling warehouse where a cryptic classified “human predator,” has been accidentally set free. Catherine soon realizes that she is in fact not alone – coming face to face with the last Vampyre who is starving from being imprisoned in a weakened state for decades. Catherine begins to fear that she may have stumbled into her own tomb but reaches within herself to engage with the creature learning more about human history than the world outside would dare to face, a truth so alarming and illusion shattering that it could only be told by the last Vampyre on Earth.



MY RATE THEN: 4.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, I still consider this film, a little less than fair, it is not going to rock your world, and not yet amateurish as many allude to, in other reviews, it is basic horror that understands its limitations, and respects.

*****                                                                   ******                                                ******

The Norliss Tapes [1973] (TV Movie)

SUMMARY: An investigative reporter stumbles onto an artist that has made a pact to come back after his death to sculpt a statue of a demon using human blood and clay. Once the demon is awakened he will be granted immortality.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE: The first time I was merely horror fan sometime in the mid 80s but then rewatched/reviewed in June 2019


MY RATE THEN: 6.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, it still does me of the Kolchak storylines from his television movies and short-lived series, all which were heavily expanded by the X-Files series, the open-ending is still quite bothersome. That’s not to say one could skip it, rather it does have reminiscent quality to that if sought to discover it that it has an entertaining quality to enjoy.

*****                                                                   ******                                                ******

Zombie Strippers! [2008]

SUMMARY: In the not-too-distant future a secret government re-animation chemo-virus gets released into conservative Sartre, Nebraska, and lands in an underground strip club. As the virus begins to spread, turning the strippers into “Super Zombie Strippers” the girls struggle with whether or not to conform to the new “fad” even if it means there’s no turning back.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE: I originally this at some point in 2010 or so but reviewed then for Rogue Cinema in June 2017.


MY RATE THEN: 4.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No way, it’s still fun indulgences, not needed to turn on the brain for this one, just sit back enjoy the zombie ride that is design for the male teenage market, without aby doubt that is who it is for, from the title and artwork. The knows its nutty and quite silly, yet it still has a weird appeal with zombie-fanatics who enjoy their b-movies, of breasts, blood, sleazy therefore it’s not for everyone – there’s no political correctness found in this flick.


Well, I hope you all enjoyed that trip down memory lane and join again when I revisit movies in March.