As many know I enjoy this event very much and it was with sadden heart when I couldn’t attend in April 2022 due to a non-covid illness, it was they very first time something like that happened, so as the September date approached, I was all set to attend however, fate conspired against me yet again and rendered me in the hospital in mid-July. That had me lingering for over month, and with a late notice from doctors for the clearance to attend the film festival, but why am I telling you this because there’s significant aspect that did occur behind the scenes of the convention and it tells of the wonderful staff personnel, that anyone would have found themselves proud to have at their event. Face it, every event organizer, can’t think of every possible situation that could arise, all the what-ifs, though when it does how is it discreetly handle, as not to ruin it for anyone else or the respond, well Ryan’s team was and is the finest.
Friday, September 16.
Therefore, let’s begin, with the ‘a-ok’ from medical staff, it became a matter of getting the last room at the Showboat and gather one’s go-bag to attend, we arrived a tad after the formal event time of 5p, the hotel staff was adequate then again didn’t come to see them. We, my assistant and myself ventured up the long steep escalator, the event forever more held on the second floor of the hotel as the first floor is now exclusively for an arcade. Upon our arrival stopping by for press passes, and then meeting with Chris, security enforcer, a great guy we chatted, and to others who somehow thought my absence from the last one was greater than a year, but such is time, all were concern about my health, accompanying was a large staff, not a mere walking stick. This would mark the second time in fest journeys that I was with someone who was handicapped, only difference it was I who was experiencing these uncharted courses. Upon entering the first person I met with was author Christopher Michael Blake, who I met the previous year, he generously had given me his book to review, I had thought he was going to be upset that I took longer than expected to finish that task, though with good explanation, however he thanked me previously so much that my review was proudly shown on his table. He enjoyed how I wrote it without giving too much away and that I had done my own research for some of the topics found within it. I mentioned I was a student and avid reader of history, namely military, which he simply marveled, “is there any subject you don’t know?” alas a few but not many, he really liked that I hinted to certain subject material only to omit them from review. He definitely had quite a few people at his table, autographing and selling his novel. Oh, by the way I just received his latest book ‘The Cape May Murders’ which personal note on the background of the novel, that review will be completed as soon as possible, as many know I do get quite a few books to review and therefore he understood it might take some time for that review to emerge.

Christopher Michael Blake
Onward I travel through the room, another author, E.L. Jefferson, I knew was roaming about, I would catch up with him the next day; passing by the elevators I found the Troma Table, and inquired about Lloyd Kaufman’s appearance schedule for tomorrow about 1 or 2 pm, I hinted I have something very unique for him to sign, so much that it’s not even on their table, which simply blew their collective minds, yet made them wanton for the answer. Then onto meet filmmakers namely at The Omicron Killer table whose film was the sequel to The Covid Killer flick, which was panned terribly on IMDb page, though one of the producers on hand informed me it was primarily due to a backlash from trolls and others once involved leading a negative campaign against them. He pointed to the fact, if the film was so bad how could they do a part 2 and bring stars like Felissa Rose, Bai Ling, and Lynn Lowry.

E.L. Jefferson
A volunteer noticed that was having difficulties and insisted I sit down and take a moment while filmmakers saw me, we discussed the horror genre; the point is just knowing how observant Ryan’s workers are about the safety of everyone including the patrons.
Saturday, September 17
After recouping for the evening, and understanding what went wrong with the meds, I attacked the con in full force, with my assistant staying nearby for any needs; upon hitting the floor some staff volunteers made sure to watch for me again; but I used an oversized redwood walking stick to assist me in my travels. I mean who does that, it’s a real connection between the fans of the genre and workers, a family looking out for everyone. I first stopped by E.L. Jefferson table who informed me, he looked for last night but simply missed each other, but no worries he was going to find me before the convention was over, and it was a successful meeting. We had a private but highly enjoyable conversation; he then handed me his latest book Unleashed Volume 2 (curious read my review of book 1) and autographed upon my request.
I took in some time at the film festival knowing one’s limitation was a new life lesson, yet I still made wonderful connections with other horror fans, some with their first time at the convention, and others back again as loyal followers of the event. That’s one of those underlying elements at these places when you make those personal connections. One thing my assistant, and others as well as myself agreed about is the excessive cursing in the films, no need to drop the f-bomb every other word, it is not impactful rather a turn-off – for example “Tony, you f-bomb, get your f-bomb, in the f-bomb car, we got f-bomb go to the f-bomb store.” I mean seriously it is best to avoid this room if you have young teens and you are embarrassed to have that language airing frequently.
I hurried over to the Q&A panel room hosted by Chris for an interview with Tom Savini, who shared many great tales and experiences from Friday the 13th involvement and zombie flicks to working with Quentin Tarantino and what happens if you fall asleep on set, eventually the entire Q&A will air on an upcoming episode of Baron’s Crypt, he strongly mentioned his distaste for CGI. At 2p, I made my way to the Troma table and got in line to meet Lloyd Kaufman, with that special item it was strange all eyes were on me, the staff drooling with confusion, upon my turn I removed an vinyl album cover for the film The Final Countdown [1980], this was my first time meeting Mr. Kaufman, and he was shocked at the item, holding it up and stating, “this is when I used to make real movies” he took the time to admire it, and seeing his name on the back cover, a glint of smile over his face, I figure he was just going to sign it, but no it was time for a brief chat, wanting to know how I found out about the film. I shared how my father, was a US Marine, who fought the Japanese in WW II, and this was a movie we share, sir. When I used that term ‘Sir’ he raised his head, nodded, “taught respect” he really enjoyed the trip down memory lane. I then stood with the Troma gang for a photo, but after it was taken, he said “Now re-take, I want that album in the photo”, and ordered one of his staff to also take the photo for personal collection. As I left, stating to him “Thank you Sir,” one of his team members asked to see the item up close, and really admired it stating, “Never knew about it, and he was right it’s a true classic”.
I knew privately I would be the topic of discussion amongst themselves, just before I fully walked away I heard – “Thanks for that memory!” As always, the work of a press journalist is tough, so many people to meet and do behind the scenes, including conducting interviews sometimes in a hotel room or other phone interviews for those involved in other projects. This sadly took me off the main floor about 2-hours and followed by a much-needed dinner break, why do mention this because for the brief time I was working I found out I was in high demand and several filmmakers were looking for me, it is always cherished, and volunteer staff told the individuals of a few who wanted business connections, ghost writing screenplay adaptions and other projects, ‘he’s [Baron] is around – working the con.
Later in the day I found out that Father Evil, was asked to bless Film Festival award only to have it one for himself, designed and decorated as his legendary character he was so humble in accepting it. Some hinted and rumored Todd Staurch, The Horror Nerd, likely to earn an honorary award for his contributions, so many people have earned this award it is a wonderful moment, and when it’s a filmmaker at the award show it becomes a deeply memorable moment, as it often a sheer shock to all involved.
Once back on the floor I took some worthwhile moments in the stars (guests) signing room, snapping pictures of them and lines at tables, grabbing a few signatures, namely Damien Leone and Tom Savini who were almost right next to each other; fortunately for me their lines had died down. All before making my way to the awards show, which was hosted the band American Grim, who normally plays an after awards gig, but their drummer had covid and was knocked out of attending the event, but they had fun, handing out awards, one winner was comical who was a winner sprinting down from the balcony, it is a great way to make an entrance. There’s nothing fancy about the program just good fun; no one got slap just plenty of laughs.
Before finishing out for the night, I caught up with host director Ryan Scott Weber, we chatted briefly, and squeezed in an important question concerning the lack program guides, an issue beyond his control external printing company fouled-up the design and hence that was the sole reason. We also share a private chat on other topics, one I can now reveal about the August show being held in Edison, NJ at the convention center, though the March show will continue to be held in Atlantic City.
Sunday September 18

Melanie Kinnaman and Bob DeSimone
Sundays are considered the liquid day, and also the walking dead mix, everyone from top to bottom is dragging, mainly due to full-on Saturday a day loaded with activities, however for myself it was not as tough, I was budgeting my time and press duties. Little did I know an issue was lurking on the horizon, the reaper of life and death was hunting, more on him on him in a little bit. The biggest draw of the day was going to be the Terrifier 2 Q&A panel, however before that was a Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning two person panel featuring Melanie Kinnaman and Bob DeSimone, who was at his first horror convention, a true rarity of the circuit. Bob mentioned how this was his last film, as he was retiring from the business, which was an amazing fact to learn. A small crowd allowed for a more intimate panel nevertheless this allowed me an opportunity to ask a few questions, namely one that left in the murky depths between truth and rumor, though I took advantage on the moment to ask a deeper question “How did starring part 5 after your career at that moment going forward?” the reason foe position the question it open the rumor aspect and lead to a deeper understanding of how a actress had to handle opposition and backlash from casting agents for potential new roles. Kim had to drop the film from her resume, by leaving it on it doomed her chances, with the striking from the list it was like a magical wand and all forgotten about the film. She noted how at one time she was slated to return in Part 6 but when her co-star who played Tommy found a truer meaning of religion ideology and abandon films it had producers venturing into a whole new direction, also do to the fact that the fan base clamored for the real Jason Voorhees to grace the screen.
Terrifier Q&A

David Howard Thornton (Art the Clown) and writer/director Damien Leone
One should note, that many have heard of standing room only, well this had that, and many sat on the floor too, and unlike times before Chris was not hosting the event rather Todd Staruch of the, had the pleasure of interviewing both writer/director Damien Leone and star David Howard Thornton (Art the Clown) which was informative covering many aspects about the film and their individual backgrounds, as well some crazy and alarming moments that happened on set and with police officers making surprise breaches to their locations. All in All the entire panel lasted 47-mnutes with a short clip of the film, which sadly was played in a room that no one could dim the lights, yet for the rabid pack of gorehounds and admirers of Art it didn’t seem t matter. We all knew that in scant 3 weeks the film would become available, now in hindsight it was fantastic to have garnished so much attention by offending some moviegoers (the unaware masses) think it was just some Pennywise like movie, far from that scenario, and become a flick that enjoyed its blood splatter ad reigned for the entire month of October 2022.
As I close this article, I wanted to state that it’s often published about a month after the convention has ended, however what happened to delay that, after I got home started, to experience more serious medical issues and that rendered me back into the hospital once again things were not going correctly. I was informed that I would not be returning to my original baseline that I had always known of, which led to frustration then finally acceptance that I couldn’t attend many events for 2022 and some 2023. If I do exactly what I’m told to do by the medical establishment I will be returning to the Fest circuit in 2024. Nevertheless, I will be putting out promotional articles and performing promo-podcasts on the upcoming conventions even though I’m not attending.
I’m looking forward to seeing what the NJ Horror Con brings next and can’t wait to be there for it.