***The Extreme in Any Manner Leaves a Lasting Impression! *** – Baron Craze

Well, a very interesting and yet dreadful start to the new month, first for a highly unknown reason our site stopped working, in fact a problem with the database linkage or something like that, the IT personnel figured it all out, once the site returned it still had an upload problem which put us a week back. Overall, frustration set in on all levels.

Anyway, as many know I have been doing lecturers for an Alfred Hitchcock class, covering over 10 films, ranging in years 1948 to 1976, and with that, we figured to pull out all the stops for the class meaning reposting articles of Icons Alfred and Bernard Herrmann and then reviews of some his films and a special coverage of a Q&A on Psycho. One might say why not just direct the students to the articles, well this is a simplistic manner for those that seek an easier method. In addition, the Baron’s Crypt is going to have shows covering the movies seen in class and include a very special item transcription of the shows due to some poor audio qualities of the lectures.

Our newest column of Comic Releases has led to actual comics being sent to us, and 2 reviews are slated for this month, as for lack of podcast it should all change for the better next month, however, we are creating a 2-part show on Hammer Studios. Instead of covering a topic i.e., “Animal attack” horror movies it shall focus on one or three movies thereby allowing for more details, and fuller scripts of the shows, this might lead to transcription of the broadcast too, though that is a wait and see aspect. As we prepare to enter our second of the year, do expect more anniversary articles that shall include at least 2 more reviews on Hitchcock movies.

Lastly, thanks to everyone for supporting Baron’s Crypt and The Horror Times (with approximately 3,766 likes on Facebook) thanks very much and for contributions to the fundraiser held for the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA). Also, for all the birthday wishes and greetings, always humbling to see them all, from friends of course, but from industry folks, always goes a long way, and to our newest writer Jennifer aka Vix, she enjoys thrillers and doing analysis on films for this upcoming issue she’s covering Basic Instinct [1992].

Until next month – stay healthy, safe, and enjoy all the horror you can including this site!


Baron Craze

Horror Film Historian and Editor-in-Chief










