Tag: The Funhouse (1981)

The Funhouse Massacre (2015) – By Baron Craze

Most horror fans enjoy a good massacre themed flick, even a so-so or bad one can deliver charms of grotesque proportions and turn a clever comedic line, though when it comes from clowns it always gives another thrill. In a time when clown appearances consumed the news media for weeks if not months, the horror…

Closed for the Season (2010) By Baron Craze

Jay Woelfel, who now in early 2018 has over 30 horror film credits to his name, and works in different aspects in the industry, recently released his strange flick Asylum of Darkness (2013), thought it best to revisit an archive review of a previous work of his. Director and writer Jay Woelfel, created an interesting…

Scream Park (2012) – By Baron Craze

This review originally posted on the Rogue Cinema site in February 2015. Imagine a horror themed amusement park, a local hangout called Fright Land, which the passing of time has ravaged everything down to skeleton form of once greatness and reduced to faded colors, ruined games and forgotten rides, all in a death rattle spiral…