Tag: Slasher

Fender Bender (2016) – By Baron Craze

Sometimes one sees a film that definitely isn’t straight-up horror, and doesn’t contain excessive violence and gore, and fits more into a thriller which appears on the surface as a made for television, but Fender Bender works at many times as a fun flick. The director and writer Mark Pavia, known for his film The…

The Prowler (1981) – By Baron Craze

It’s likely that if one were asking any horror fan when was the heyday of the glorious gore slasher cycle they excitedly announced the eighties, to be more precise it’s the early 80s. Shortly after both Halloween [1978] and Friday the 13th [1980] releases, the floodgates opened the blood splattering countless slashers flicks all following…

New Year’s Evil (1980) – By Baron Craze

As is common with the horror genre the holidays get horror films related to them, Halloween obviously Halloween (1978), Christmas (Black Christmas [1974]), and Valentine’s Day (My Bloody Valentine [1981]), just to name a few, and therefore New Year’s Eve, finally got into the mix in 1981, with this flick that is very dated and…

Mr. Hush (2010) – By Baron Craze

In the horror genre, many horror sub-genres exist, some provides gore and others using paranormal tricks evolving more into the found footage realm, however, it’s when a movie returns to narrative form, and nestles into the b-movie genre, everything feels comfortable especially when a movie centers itself on the holiday of Halloween. Screenwriter and director…

Anatomy of the Slasher Film by Sotiris Petridis Book Review – By Baron Craze

I enjoy taking the time to immerse myself in a book whether it is fiction or non-fiction anything on the topic in the horror genre, and in either case it’s sometimes an interesting exploration especially if the author’s words can transform to creative thoughts in one’s mind. Now a wonderful aspect often allows me to…

Hack! (2007) – By Baron Craze

Sometimes one comes across a horror flick, that for an odd reason attracts them to watch it over and over, and that seems lately to be Hack!, a teen slasher movie, never taking itself serious, but yet appears a lamer version of the Scream franchise, it fills every moment of the screen with film references,…

After School Massacre (2014) – By Baron Craze

When one incorporates the word massacre into their title, it first needs to live up to its standing especially in the horror genre, and fans think of slasher slaughter films like for example The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) or Music Store Massacre (2013). The gore a requirement, the blood needs to cover everything and everyone,…

Music Store Massacre (2013) – By Baron Craze

Music Store Massacre, takes on the most original opening to an independent film, in quite some time, with the infamous Reverend Smith (Frank Bliss) mutilating himself, by extreme means, and executing his sister, a police officer before uttering his last words “Death to thou who hates”, before Detective Young who arrives to discover the gruesome…

Lost After Dark (2015) – By Baron Craze

Director Ian Kessner presents his first horror film feature co-written with Bo Ransdell, lining up a film as a tribute design with an emphasis on retro-grade horror classic buffet style of 80’s slasher films, keeping diehard fans pleased with the authentic style and homage to other legends in the genre. They never overthink the concept…

Girl House (2014) – By Baron Craze

Actor Trevor Matthews noted for his roles in Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007) and The Shrine (2010), steps up to the director’s chair for the first time, co-directed with Jon Knautz and embarks with an independent horror feature from first time writer Nick Gordon, and delivers a fresh take on the slasher genre with cunning…