Tag: Romance

Splintered Love Season 2 Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

Splintered Love presents a journey through the dark side of romance, stories of heartbreak, lost love, and horror. Splintered Love Season 2 launches Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/splintered-love-season-2-dark-romance-shorts#/. Perks include IMDB credits in one or all four of the episodes and we also welcome contributions to be part of the team bringing these four episodes to life (or…

Warm Bodies (2013) – By Creepy Crazy Cathy (3C)

I enjoyed this zombie film, well more of a zombie/comedy/romance, as it’s a little different than the average flick. Warm Bodies is directed and written by Jonathan Levine (All the Boys Love Mandy Lane [2006]), based on a novel by Isaac Marion and came to theaters in 2013 from Lionsgate. I’m glad it didn’t have…

The Love Witch (2016) – By Baron Craze

This film took many cues from varied sources primarily of those in the 60s and 70s and dabbling with the folk-psychedelic horror movies which centered on religious ceremonies, with Anna Biller handling multiple hats for her vivid film, among them director, writer, producer, film editor, production design and was creator of many of set creation…