Tag: Nightmares

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) – By Creepy Crazy Cathy (3C)

The first time I saw this film was when I was a teenager at a sleepover and needless to say we were all scared to death and didn’t want to sleep again. When all the girls got home the parents were livid that this movie was allowed to play at a young kids party especially…

Dream Stalker (1991) – By Baron Craze

  Director Christopher Mills forgets to tell the story in the most direct manner for the audience to understand, more of this later. In the 80s and into the 90s filmmakers took their VHS and SVHS cameras by storm, a pricey investment then, but made the SOV (shot-on-video) market and subgenre, many of them became…

Mara (2018) – By Baron Craze

There are two schools of thought when making a directorial debut, either go with gusto, or play it relatively safe, of course it deals with the budgets, crew and content, hence no clear cut rules layout before the aspiring filmmaker. Herein is Clive Tonge, making usage of the nightmares in sleep as the main subject…

Sleep No More (2018) – By Baron Craze

Director Phillip Guzman, known for Dead Awake (2016)  creates another sleep theme nightmarish tale set back in the 80s, originally entitled 200 Hours, rather than Sleep No More (which, sounds eerily similar the themes carried over from A Nightmare on Elm Street), released by RLJE Films. One aspect for not using the 200 Hours, likely…

Sleep No More Press Release

From the Creator of “Final Destination” and the Director of “Dead Awake” Available on VOD, Digital and  DVD on October 2, 2018   LOS ANGELES (Aug. 30, 2018) – RLJE Films (NASDAQ: RLJE) will release the horror film SLEEP NO MORE on VOD, Digital and DVD on October 2, 2018. Written by Jason Murphy (The League of Extremely Ordinary Gentlemen) and directed by Phillip Guzman (Dead Awake), SLEEP NO MORE stars Keli…