Tag: Metal News

Vaelmyst Releasing ‘Secrypts of the Egochasm’ on August 13

Los Angeles (CA) – Melodic Death Metal trio VAELMYST will self-release full-length debut album, Secrypts of the Egochasm, on August 13. First single “Dawnless” is available at https://vaelmyst.bandcamp.com/track/dawnless-2  . The song is also available on Spotify.   Hailing from hallowed depths and set on overshadowing slain remains, VAELMYST have come forth as conduits of spiritual violence through a brutal melodic death…

Tentation French Heavy Metal Band Releasing Debut Album in September

French heavy metallers Tentation will release their full-length debut album September 24 on Gates of Hell Records. Le Berceau Des Dieux is a throwback to the glory days of 1980s metal, complete with a deadly Maiden-on-Mercyful Fate twist, and sung entirely in French. The album will be available on CD, vinyl, and digital formats.   The first single, “Le Couvent,” is…

Elderblood announced details of the 3rd full-length album Press Release

  Ukrainian supreme Satanic Black Metal artists Elderblood have announced the third studio album ‘Achrony,’ which is scheduled for release on July 9th. Following its way to the depth of the darkest human sides, the 10-song release is intended to become an out-of-time hymn of society’s degradation. The album is coming on CDs via Drakkar Productions and will also be…

Upcoming Metal Releases for July 2021

The titles bolded in red will eventually air on Shredding Metal Beasts, Sinister Death and Hard Rock Madness. All dates and music subject to change without notice. July 2, 2021 Anthropophagus Depravity – Apocalypto (Comatose) Antologi – Chronicles Of Catastrophes (Vrykoblast) Arcane Sun – Arcane Sun Re-Release (Sentinel) Assault – In Aevum Et Illustrata (Eastbreath) At The Gates – Nightmare Of Being (Century Media) Bizarrekult…

ARSEBREED Release Lyric Video for “Sanity” News

The Netherlands’ resident death merchants ARSEBREED have released a lyric video for “Sanity,” a track from new album BUTOH. You can check out the video at:   BUTOH, the long-awaited new album from ARSEBREED, was released October 13, 2020 on Brutal Mind. Visit the links below to stream and purchase.   Purchase/Stream BUTOH: Bandcamp: https://brutalmind.bandcamp.com/album/butoh   Brutal Mind: https://brutal-mind.com/?s=arsebreed&post_type=product   YouTube: BUTOH is…

CRAVEN IDOL ‘Unleash Forked Tongues’ on Dark Descent Records Press Releases

Old school stalwarts CRAVEN IDOL celebrates their 15th anniversary with third opus Forked Tongues. Swearing by the gods of old, the North London veterans further hone their unique blend of old school extreme metal.   Dark Descent Records will release Forked Tongues on CD, vinyl, cassette and digital formats on July 23.   “After spending a month on the…

Jason Payne & The Black Leather Riders Press Release

JASON PAYNE & THE BLACK LEATHER RIDERS Reveal Teaser #4 For Upcoming Single & Video ‘The Dark’, Out June 4th! London based metallers JASON PAYNE & THE BLACK LEATHER RIDERS have revealed the fourth teaser for their upcoming single and video ‘The Dark’, available on all major platforms on June 4th. Watch the teaser video…

Surreal Death Metal Band QRIXKUOR ‘Poison Palinopsia’ On Dark Descent Records / Invictus Productions

The recrudescent scourge of QRIXKUOR returns to unleash its debut full-length album, entitled Poison Palinopsia. The album is set to be released in conspiracy with Invictus Productions in Europe and Dark Descent Records in the United States on July 9.   Following 2016’s enigmatic Three Devils Dance MLP, Poison Palinopsia is a sordid wound in reality’s distorted veil that spent…

Unfathomable Ruination’s ‘Decennium Ruinae’ EP Out Now!

London (UK) – Decennium Ruinae, the new EP from the incomparable UNFATHOMABLE RUINATION, is out now on Willowtip Records and streaming in its entirety on Bandcamp. The band has also released the official video for “A Withered Embrace,” available at Decennium Ruinae is available on CD Digipak, vinyl LP, and digital formats. Purchase the EP at the links that…

Upcoming Metal Releases for June 2021

The titles bolded in red will eventually air on Shredding Metal Beasts, Sinister Death and Hard Rock Madness. All dates and music subject to change without notice. June 4, 2021 Actus Septem – The Catechism Of Death (GS) Adam – Sun (Venerate) All Wasted – Burn With Me (Wormholedeath) Ancient Wisdom – A Celebration In Honor Of Death (Avantgarde) Anti-God Hand…