Tag: Killer Cars

Christine (1983) – By Baron Craze

There’re two things to truly understand with this film, aside from a great story it falls squarely in the killer vehicle subgenre and at the time of the release many people especially viewers in United States had a love affair with cars. In fact, many men still give their cars a girl’s name and there’s…

The Toybox (2018) – By Baron Craze

Possession stories always find a special place with the horror fans, often enough it’s a house, cabin, or another type building, and then again, the vehicle in the horror flick, is just that, such as The Car [1977], The Hearse (1980), and Christine [1983]. Sometimes the tales do get cheesy for example Haunted Trailer (2014)…

The Car (1977) – By Baron Craze

This was originally presented as an article for the 40th-anniversary of the film back in  2017 hence it reads slightly different than the standard review, this like many others (but not all) published on Rogue Cinema  in May, Horror movies about evil cars always a favorite with the fans, the think about those thrillers of…