Tag: H.P. Lovecraft

The Thrill of Repulsion: Excursions into Horror Culture Review – By Baron Craze

William Burns is an English professor who teaches classes on horror films and literature, brings his vast knowledge of the genre to the fans, with a book, which converses with the reader, rather than preaching. The Thrill of Repulsion delivers on all fronts, and gives wonderful brush strokes throughout the pages, breaking down the genre into…

In the Mouth of Madness [Collector’s Edition] Press Release

Releasing: July 24, 2018 Special Offer: Order from ShoutFactory.com and get a FREE 18″ X 24″ ROLLED POSTER featuring our brand new artwork, available while supplies last! Also, get it shipped TWO WEEKS EARLY! Product Note: Extras in progress and will be announced at a later date. Synopsis: “A thinking person’s horror picture that dares to be as…