Tag: Cannibal Films

First Taste of Mario Cerrito’s Human Hibachi 3: The Last Supper

  It’s the cannibal franchise that turned the indie horror scene on its ear… and then ate the ear and then ate everything else.    Filmmaker Mario Cerrito starts production of the third and final chapter? of Human Hibachi. Somewhere in South Jersey at an undisclosed location, people are being eaten.  Human Hibachi 3: The…

Horror List of the Day, Week 1 – By Baron Craze

Every October almost every site and podcast comes up with their master list of horror movies to watch and all with various themes, for example 31 days of zombies or slashers, or even classic horror, another attempt is the one a day method, others make a list called the scariest or most frightening, ever look…

The Green Inferno (2013) – By Baron Craze

I had a unique opportunity to see The Green Inferno, on Sunday, September 27, 2015, in New Jersey, at a time of the morning when many people were at various church services taking the symbolic body of Christ, while I and a few friends were in a theater alone, watching cannibals dine on the body…

Cannibal Holocaust (1980) – By Baron Craze

If I were to ask the true hardcore horror fans to name the top five most exploitative movies of the 80s, the answer likely contains Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox. Now for those unaware of this highly offensive movie, then my review shall provide you with serious insight to the subgenre of cannibal movies. Back…

Cannibal Ferox (1981) – By Baron Craze

This is an updated review, now noting the passing of Umberto Lenzi on October 19, 2017. As George A. Romero was and still considered the Godfather of The Living Dead, Umberto Lenzi held the title of Godfather of the Cannibal Films, and likely he will always hold that title is the one attributed to creating…