Tag: Author

Horror Spotlight: American Hauntstorian “Allen Sircy”

Allen Sircy is an American Hauntstorian and his Southern Ghost Stories, “Ghost Stories & Graveyard Tales” and “Fear and Folklore” are available now on Amazon. I’ve been writing for various websites since 2005, but my passion for folklore and haunted American history began in 2014. I started creating haunted tour apps for cities like Nashville,…

Remembrance of the Dead for January 2024

In life, death aka the Grim Reaper stalks us all, no one can beat this hunter, many of us either mark our flesh with his image or have his likeness on our walls, desks, and shelves, all to force us to strive forward, knowing it seeks us out at some point. As many artists want…

Horror Icon: Bram Stoker – By Baron Craze

In this year of 2022, marks an incredible remembrance for one of the premier authors, Abraham “Bram” Stoker (November 8, 1847 – April 20, 1912) in just seeing those dates he would have been 175-years-old and his death marks 110-years-ago, and his significance to the cinematic horror genre is without a doubt extremely impactful has it also…