Thanks to Kenny Colgate, of Eclipse Records for arranging this interview with Society’s Plague.
Baron Craze: Please state your name and what you do in the band and introduce your band?
Matt: Hey! My name is Matt and I and I’m the Vocalist for the band.
BC: Tell us more about your coming album Call to the Void?
M: “Call to the Void” is our second full length album. It’s been a long time coming and we’re so excited that it’s finally here. This album has a little but of everything we love, fast drums, groovy guitars, epic synths and a mix of harsh and melodic vocals. All the things that have always defined us as a band, just more, and better. It’s also an extremely personal album to me, since the main vocal themes deal with a lot of mental health issues, like depression, anxiety, and even the other side with hope and confidence. It explores the full range of emotions and I hope everyone who listens can find something to relate to. I think these things we’ve all felt from time to time and it’s important to know that no one is alone in dealing with these things.
BC: Did everything go smoothly for the producing of the album? Any songs you had leave off, as they just didn’t sound right, or the lyrics failed to fit it correctly?
M: For the most part we spent a lot of time in pre production making sure things were how we wanted them to be, but there were some parts that we took a second look at once we started laying it down and hearing it back. We did have one song that we’ve been working on for a while that we decided to leave off. It was a pretty good song but we just couldn’t get any vocals that we all really liked on it. Who knows though, it may turn up again in the future.
BC: The metal genre has changed over the years, expanding the boundaries, what do you think has cause that? (easily availability of the music, less close-mindedness, etc.)
M: I think the access to music has grown exponentially, with that so has what people listen to. I don’t think people stick with just one genre or type of music these days, which means the music that is being created now has some far reaching influences. I personally think that’s pretty rad. I love seeing new genres being thrown together and just general creativity, that’s what makes writing so fun, you never know what you’re going to come up with, and theres does seem to be more open-ness now than there was in the past. Onwards and upwards I say.
BC: What inspires you to write metal music? As oppose to other types of genre.
M: I have always loved the energy and sincerity in metal music. The musical technicality and cool fast guitars are also a plus, but metal was always willing to take lyrics and vocals to places that other genres didn’t, which I’ve always been attracted to. I feel like I can put a piece of myself into our songs, not just say things for effect, or for show, and I don’t know that every genre is as open to that type of just raw emotion as metal tends to be.
BC: Which track is your personal favorite from your latest album?
M: My personal favorite is “Abomination”. It’s a super dark track and I think it has a really desperate vibe to it. The second we had the instrumentals recorded I knew I really had to step up my game to do it justice and to really bring it to life. Ultimately I think the vocals ended up fitting perfectly and I’m super happy with how it turned out.
BC: Some don’t consider music an extension of art, such as a painting might provoke discussion, what do you think?
M: I think that’s ridiculous. For one, art is subjective, if someone creates something that speaks to them then is just as much art as anything else. Music provokes as much emotion and discussion as anything else I’ve ever seen. I’ve heard music that can bring people to tears without words, and that’s powerful. If someone doesn’t think music is an extension of art I don’t think they understand what art is.
BC: Follow-up to the previous question, and do you have any tracks that provoke the listener in any manner aside enjoying the music?
M: We do, almost all of them honestly. I write music that expresses my deepest feelings. Insecurity, depression, happiness, determination. The full range. Sometimes I do have lyrics meant to make listeners think, but I generally like to write in metaphor, so that the listener can apply his or her own meaning to the songs. “Call to the Void” has some more direct songs on it like “Paramnesia” and “Broken by Design” which are a little more straight forward with their message. You’ll have to listen to them to find out though!
BC: What band would you like to either open for or tour with if you could?
M: We’ve been very lucky to have been able to open for most of the bands who have influenced us greatly. There are a couple who we would love to be able to perform with though. Both Soilwork and In Flames would be bands we would absolutely love to tour with.
BC: Many of the sites (people) share music at an increase pace, likely a slow strangle of the industry, do you agree or disagree it is bad for the overall musicians and their bands? Or does it allow for more free expression of the bands not to have the industry’s pressure?
M: It’s hard to say right now. It definitely changes the landscape of how music is consumed, but ultimately things will adapt. Music will never cease to exist, so it’s just about finding a balance between people being able to consume what they love while also being able to support the musicians who create it, and eventually someone will find a balance.
BC: What are your plans for near future?
M: We hope to be out on the road supporting this album soon! We look forward to trying out the best burrito places wherever we may end up.
BC: Thank you, see you next time!
M: Thank you!