The directing/producing brothers are back with a fresh take on the doll sub-genre, known for their previous gothic chiller Playhouse.

The film centers around unemployed Ryan (mid-30s), who impulsively buys a
Japanese luck doll to improve his fortunes, only for his life to unravel in terrible
ways. Fionn, one half of the directing/producing duo, describes the film as
“Gremlins meets Paranormal Activity.” He adds, “We needed a unique way into
the doll sub-genre of horror and stumbled across the idea of shooting the whole film from the POV of a Japanese luck doll.”

“This technique enabled us to shoot the movie mainly in master shots, allowing
us to be incredibly economical with time,” says Toby. “We wanted to make a
film very different from our debut, Playhouse, which relied on lavish
cinematography bolstered by a remote, wind-swept Scottish castle. With Black
, you are much more focused on the story, like watching a play.”

The film was shot in eight days and promises to deliver an experience rarely
seen in doll horror, with the actors largely improvising the intense
psychological meltdowns brought on by the doll. The POV approach lends a
disorienting aesthetic to the already turbulent atmosphere of Ryan and his
partner Louise’s home. “It’s a fun ride,” says Fionn, “but intentionally
disorienting at times, with jump cuts being the only tool used to break up the
real-time play-out of the drama.”

“Many people ask if we actually get to see the doll,” says Toby, “but you’ll have
to wait and see. Part of the suspense is never quite knowing if and when you
will see it, as the audience is plunged into an ever-deepening voyeuristic hell.”

Black Daruma will be released globally on VOD shortly.

The film stars Richard Galloway (Wasteland), Louise O’Leary (Dead Ringer),
Julie Higginson (Red Dwarf), David Castleford (Hatched), Ross Marshall, Ruth
Langrick, Madeline Percival (Here comes the Duke) and Rowe David
McClelland (The Zombie King).

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Social Media: @farnorthfilm
#BlackDaruma #POVHorror #WattsBrothers