I feel it’s important to revisit previously reviewed films, mainly to ask do viewpoints change, or do they remain constant, for example if one saw a film as a teen that was total splatter-fest a cheery moment for an adolescent to indulge themselves with the gore and T&A would they feel the same way 20 years later, maybe but if they wrote the review it may seem different. Therefore, I am revisiting the anniversary films from April, found on Visions of Horror for that month.

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter [1984]

SUMMARY PER IMDBAfter being stabbed in the head by Chris Higgins. Jason Vorhees is believed to be dead and is taken to a Hospital for an Autopsy. However, He is Alive and kills a Doctor and a Nurse and is loose once more. He Returns to Camp Crystal Lake where Young Boy Tommy Jarvis lives with his Mother and Older Sister. A Group of Teenagers move into a House next door to the Jarvis House. Jason begins killing the Teenagers and kills Tommy’s Mother. It’s now up to Tommy and His Older Sister to kill Jason and end his murderous rampage once and for all.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY: That’s impossible to be determined; whenever it was I was already a loyal fan of both Horror Films and Jason.

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 6.0/10 and now 6.0/10

MY RATE THEN: 6.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No way! It still has the enjoyment for both the slasher lovers and Jason fans, though by then of this one it surely was tough to resurrect him once more, but always know evil never dies especially in horror films. The film generated plenty of killing, and the character of Tommy was a nice touch we even learned a new way to use a corkscrew.

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Zombeavers [2014]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: A fun weekend turns into madness and horror for a bunch of groupies looking for fun in a beaver infested swamp.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY: Unsure of the first, but I have watched it a few times ever since its release.

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 4.8/10 and now 4.8/10

MY RATE THEN: 5.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, it’s it is still fun and enjoyable name, it never takes itself seriously, and no need to have that brain engaged, just animal run amok and plague (pun intended) to become terrifying zombie munching beavers which at one point becomes something of an innuendo.

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Dark House [2009]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: A troupe of actors hired for a haunted house attraction soon find that they are working in a true house of horror.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY:  Unsure, however it was prior to 2014 as that is when I originally wrote the article.

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 5.0/10 and now 4.8/10

MY RATE THEN: 5.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, Jeffrey Combs holds the film together, it allows them to excel as a pure b-movie driven story, knowing its limitations and thereby can stay entertaining, as the viewer understands the value of the film too.

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Indigenous [2014]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: A group of friends travel to Panama where they convince a local woman to guide them into the jungle. However, when their guide goes missing, they realize that they’ve stumbled into the lair of horrific, bloodthirsty creatures.


THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 4.7/10 and now 4.5/10

MY RATE THEN: 4.5/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: This was a review I had done for the now defunct site Rogue Cinema, that was published originally in April 2015, hence 9-years ago. First my rating is now matching of the average on IMDb so that is fine, as for my views on movie itself, it is still unspectacular, nothing truly gives the lasting impression to stay with the viewers, once again dreaded how the Chupacabra stays in the jungle, why could not the creatures plan a day trip to resort. Alas it is stale entertainment, yet still the production values give a good b-movie quality to it.

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Alien [1979]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: After investigating a mysterious transmission of unknown origin, the crew of a commercial spacecraft encounters a deadly lifeform.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY: At some point the 80s and continue to rewatch every year scene

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 8.5/10 and now: 8.5/10

MY RATE THEN: 8.5/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, it is great movie, each character works very well, though the lien’s morphing rate into adult species is incredible, but the monster creature is both simplistic and horrifically terrifying, it is rare when such a beast generates such a lasting impression for the franchise and generating a wonderful merchandising market for the collecting fanbase from masks to figurines to a boardgame. The film is basically a haunted house in space, film with shadows, long hallways, fog, flashing lights, villainous characters; yeah, there are a few weird elements, but they are overlooked for the entertainment remains very high. Lastly, it is cool how this movie ties into Alien: Romulus [2024].

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Love at First Bite [1979]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: After being evicted from his castle in Transylvania, Count Dracula and his assistant Renfield travel to New York to find a woman who the Count believes is the reincarnation of the woman he has loved for all eternity

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY: At some point in the late 80s.

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 6.1/10 and now: 6.1/10

MY RATE THEN: 6.0/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, its comedy-horror film with a vampire, Dracula portrayed by George Hamilton, who is tanned… Now one needs to understand that comedy is both subjective, but if done correctly it transcends the decade, allowing for an entertaining movie, which is very effective, an enjoyable rewatch.

*****                                    *****                                    *****

Pet Sematary [1989]

SUMMARY PER IMDB: After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.

WHEN I SAW IT DATE ORIGINALLY: April 21, 1989, the young age of 16, back then they used to ask for ID unless you looked and acted older and clearly, I did.

THE IMDB RATE AT TIME OF REV: 6.6/10 and now: 6.5/10

MY RATE THEN: 6.5/10

HAS MY VIEW CHANGE: No, I thought it was a standard folk horror storyline that effective brought the horror of losing one’s child, Gage tastefully but horrific stylizations the bloody sneaker just tumbling across the screen.

*****                                    *****                                    *****