Well, horror friends, fiends, and fans it has begun that true countdown to Halloween, especially the Spirit stores commencing their unleashing soon, those vacant retail stores changeover and the building of displays are ready to go and some it’s a chance to walk-through and purchase one thing before many of the seasonal hunters will wait until November 1st to return. However, another thing starts and, in some cases, continues onward the haunted attractions, and this year brings a reminder of the dangers in them as Forgotten Horror of the Haunted Castle at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, NJ on May 11, 1984. I was 11-years-old, and three weeks before this horrible accident occurred, I was there to celebrate my birthday, and found this walk-advantage to be fun, and went through it three separate times, twice with my mother and once alone, as I was tall enough to just walk by security without stoppage. It was an okay trek, I had gone through Dracula’s Castle in Wildwood, NJ which was far better. Anyway, this place was crudely made, and dangerous for all involved, since then I have been to several of these attractions and worked at many as a professional actor/haunter in some places I would engage in P.T. (psychological terror or potty training when finished). LOL! Nevertheless, the reason I mention this, I want the teen workers and fans to be equally careful, and know all of the exits and search them out; ask for a practice fire drill, and rally point outside regardless if your event is indoors or outside. One last thing before moving onward, those work hayrides many accidents and deaths occur on these each year, jumping onto moving wagon or climbing on one is damn tough. Hay on metal acts like black ice on your rubber footwear, there you slip and get dragged along, the tractor driver does their own thing unaware as the patrons that something is amiss. Face it, you get minimum wage and not a trained stunt professional to time your jumps so if looks dangerous and you are unsure do not fall for the peer pressure refuse to do it.

This month is where we unleashed Chomp Week featuring Shark horror films as well as other sea creatures real and imaginary during the final week of August. Why? Because technically summer does not end until the middle of September, and nature currently running rampage of the human species.

There’s quite a bit of horror thriller movies coming to the theaters, and even the anniversary flick by Alfred Hitchcock called Rear Window [1954] which early notifications is selling out at all movie houses.

Therefore, it’s time to ramp up your love for Horror and Halloween and support the mom-n-pop shops, antique stores, used bookstores/ record shops/ comics with your patronage.

As always, enjoy as much Horror and Halloween as you can.


Baron Craze

Horror Film Historian and Editor-in-Chief










*Trigger Warning*