Well friends, fiends, and horror fans we have come to the end of 2023, this is always a bittersweet greeting message a wrap of the year, looking at the positives and negatives not just for this site but ideally everyone. I think everybody makes assessments of how the year went the peaks and valleys, for myself it was filled a lot of attempts to come back, but often enough a few more pitfalls, for example last two weeks of November I had extensive recovery from eye surgery, which sadly is part one, yeah – oh fun. For others it’s a chance to evaluate and prepare for 2024, something I have done as I still seek to achieve the ideal benchmarks for the site and you our cherish readers.

Some likely saw that I published a belated Halloween event article, this was due to one person asserting authority of their views over the many, and while the Freedom of Press was on my side legal thought best to remove the vendor from the article and pictures too (tough since the vendor minion decided to photobomb many shots, this person could have damaged the event for everyone hence cut the losses and sacrifice.

As I close out this month and year reflecting on my 50-years as a horror fan, at least 25, a horror historian looking at a career of 20-years of writing, acting, producing and now as a prop master with an upcoming announcement in early January, the giveaways are to commence again January 2024; want one – just ask. It has been an incredible thrill recalling films and special engagements, maybe aside the decade of the 90s, the genre suffered through much of that, with only a few bright bloody moments – maybe 20 standouts. Otherwise, the tracing about to countless classics and there’s still a few more reviews to publish before the year end. Thanks to all those who took the time to read the re-examination of Halloween [1978] while not an exact review as we all know about the movie I do note a few nuances and one glaring misconception concerning a continuity issue.

Now for a bit of depressing news, YouTube deleted my channel for the reasons of deceptive videos and spam which is complete nonsense as all the videos were in connection with press releases, and this led to two more discoveries. First, since you the readers know that we post many press releases we are given videos to upload, and hence I would do that then link back to the press release, but it’s crazy that is deemed spam as we would send a notice bout the it and people from worldwide would click on it. So Bizarre! Secondly, many that are Blogs or WordPress based and would post press releases have found themselves barred and removed, which seems to lead to many sites ending their reign. It seems as if the intention is only corporate accounts and original content with heavily censored language, but we are going to search for other video alternatives. Therefore, in the short term we will continue to post the PR notices link them to YouTube with their link and not ours embedded. In addition, we will not be reloading the trailers to those press releases, as their no way to link them together, while a new handle was created for YouTube it shall serve as subscription/support to all Horror Full Movies and noted in our reviews and Visions of Horror Podcasts.

Looking forward, I have been granted another year of employment as The Horror Times Editor, as well as the all 8-podcast shows to launch in full attack mode in January, which may of, finally found a more balanced approach. As for myself returning to events, I will take it one at a time during the year for my slow return, however you may see me at movies, as it seems some of you localized fans of horror want to attend with me – which is totally cool. I suppose some heard of the large debate circles I find myself in after a film airs, a joyous time.

Hence have a safe and fun Xmas Season and a Bloody Good Year, enjoy the Christmas Horrors as you all know I will too.



Baron Craze

Horror Film Historian and Editor-in-Chief











*Trigger Warning*