Puzzle Box Horror has partnered with dark fiction writer Jon Richter for a short horror story based on the haunted pizza restaurant “Old Town Pizza“ in NW Portland, OR. Richter who recently just published a crime thriller “Rabbit Hole” has gone back to his darker side to in his story “Slice” that he contributed to Puzzle Box Horrors’ upcoming publication.
“Slice” is a story about the renowned ghost of Old Town Pizza named “Nina” who has been linked to the underground tunnels in Portland known as the Shanghai Tunnels. It is rumored that she was murdered by being pushed down an elevator shaft that lands at the entrance to the famed tunnels. In Richter’s story, she comes back to haunt the proprietors of the pizza joint.
“For more information about the “Atlas of Lore issue #1 – Oregon”
See the pre-release trailer here:
*Thanks to Marketing Macabre