Month: November 2019

Mr. Hush (2010) – By Baron Craze

In the horror genre, many horror sub-genres exist, some provides gore and others using paranormal tricks evolving more into the found footage realm, however, it’s when a movie returns to narrative form, and nestles into the b-movie genre, everything feels comfortable especially when a movie centers itself on the holiday of Halloween. Screenwriter and director…

Count Dracula (1970) – By Baron Craze

The story of Dracula, still has the power to sink the fangs into the audience and suck them into another world, Bram Stoker, never likely predicted that his novel would ever garnish this attention all these years later, but the filmmakers conjured the eternal blood drinker, and this time at the helm the legendary Jesse…

Hell Fire (2015) – By Baron Craze

Director Marc Fratto best known for Zombies Anonymous (2006) which served as reunion tour for a few cast members, issues a new direction in occult horror, with his screenplay for Hell Fire, a film about the lackadaisical Antichrist and a confusing kidnapping.  His story comes across as a well written, witty in temperament  and fits…

The Perfect House (2012) – By Baron Craze

Felissa Rose and Jonathan Tiersten reunited from Sleepaway Camp (1983) to star in this anthology film, The Perfect House, from directors Kris Hulbert and Randy Kent (The Haunting of Borley Rectory [2019]), while narrated by the exquisitely talented Monique Parent (The Last House [2015]), under the distribution of Wild Eye Releasing. This anthology film, as…

Young Frankenstein (1974) – By Baron Craze

If one has dismissed this wonderful movie because of it being in black and white, a sincere sin on your part has been committed and needs an immediate rectifying, as the humor presents itself with visual gags, sexual innuendos, and horror humor. Directed by comedy maestro Mel Brooks, hot off his western comedy film Blazing…

The Ganzfeld Haunting (2014) – By Baron Craze

This low-budgeted horror film has three screenwriters, strangely attached to director Michael Oblowitz (The Breed [2001]) creation, first Theodore Gildred III (his only horror project) and then writers from The Devil Complex (2015) Caroline Riley and Michael himself. These writers served to present and develop multiple plot lines a tad too ambitious for intended audiences…

The Omen (1976) – By Baron Craze

The Omen had a major impact invoking in the viewers the sheer terror embodiment of evil and hate, from one special little child name Damien. The name Damien that, to this day, results in sinister grins, and parents checking under the hairline for three conjoined sixes, as the birthmark of the Devil himself. However, for…

Reichsfuhrer-SS (2015) – By Baron Craze

When one reads the title of this flick, it normally sends a shiver down the spine it clearly identifies itself, as a feared German title, with varying degrees of emotions, and a vast amount of hatred. Reichsfuhrer-SS written and directed by David B. Stewart III with cinematographer and executive producer John Martineau, both who also in…

Murder Set Pieces (2004) – By Baron Craze

Director and writer Nick Palumbo, known for his film Nutbag (2000) wore almost all the hats on the production of this film, which continues to grow as a cult film even 15 years after its initial release on December 24, 2004 in Hollywood, CA. This film, graphic in nature, tells the tale of a so-called…

Zombie Night (2013) – By Baron Craze

This might sound completely bizarre, but zombie movies are quite similar to pizzas, I know what in the hell are you talking, but think about, they are. First some are icky, dripping grease and unappealing, and others the process to make them very unhealthy (ever seen some of those kitchens – time to barf), and…