Zombie Apocalypse is a The Asylum production, that originally aired on tv’s Syfy, Saturday, October 30th headed by director Nick Lyon (Bermuda Tentacles [2014]), working with a screenplay from writers Brooks Peck and Craig Engler, both who penned Rage of the Yeti (2011), who brought in a few unique elements. When it comes to the zombie subgenre, there’s plenty to choose from and equally avoid, within the realm of horror there are over 1,100 “zombie” titles of feature films that exist, then break that down those including the keyword “apocalypse” and it becomes a tad over 100. It’s in there most horror fans can name at least 10, here’s just three Train to Busan [2016], Pandemic [2016] and Shaun of the Dead [2004]. Since starting this new column of television horror, we spent a good amount of time in the 70s, and we’ll return to that soon enough, however, this arena of small screen entertainment spread through countless decades, therefore must include some of the newer productions.

The film  with a bit stock footage of panic crowds. from around the world Paris, Japan and then centered on the United States, which leads to the tale of survivors trying to get to Catalina’s safe, human only zone. Unfortunately, there are at least a million zombies in their way so they team up to battle the undead after the “VM2” a virus released across the globe that infects the host (in both humans and animals) and makes them violent; they fight in high schools, streets, port-o-potties, etc, one will likely notice that the same zombies are being killed repeatedly, oops a minor error. One of the lead characters, Henry (Ving Rhames (Dawn of the Dead [2004])) despises the zombies because they munched on his horse, uses his trusty sledgehammer against the undead, meanwhile serving as the group leader is Mack (Gary Weeks), a man filled guilt and loves his arrows skills. Then there’s Ramona, (Taryn Manning (Cult [2007])), her character just a bit whiny, but she struggles to stay off the menu, in this world where the formulaic goal remains, stay together and find a safe zone.

While on the surface, it appears The Asylum studio did a fine job, solid casting and fair television horror dialogue, the actual movie contains some flaws, such as in the beginning of the movie one is told of the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) bombs had been dropped, but cars still driving in the distance background and a ferry still works. The movie presents the zombies as the standard slow moving, except when their meal is very close, then they speed up as if at all you can buffet. However what helps the movie, falls apart, the overindulging usage of CGI, from zombie fighters to poor blood effects, it aids in dissolving the illusion of the horror taking place on the screen, in addition to the so-so zombie makeup effects, after all very hard to budget that with television constraints.

Most know that both the subgenres of slasher and zombie flicks, can go a long way in entertaining a fan on late nigh tv, where they can turn off their brain and enjoy the entertainment, this movie contains some generic moments, and a standard plot line,  it becomes tiresome, however as a television movie, one definitely notices the breaks for the commercials, even if you see it via VOD. However, those paying close attention are likely to hear the S-Mart remark, a clear reference to Army of Darkness, unsure why it wasn’t just a nod to other zombie movies, likely made more sense.

TAGLINE: Mankind Survived… But Not Alive.


IMDB Rating: 4.0/10

Baron’s Rating: 4.0/10